In an open letter published on Tuesday, more than 1,370 signatories—including business founders, CEOs and academics from various institutions including the University of Oxford—said they wanted to “counter ‘A.I. doom.’”

“A.I. is not an existential threat to humanity; it will be a transformative force for good if we get critical decisions about its development and use right,” they insisted.

    1 year ago

    ChatGPT’S math response quality has declined (at least in certain areas).

    I am by no means an AI expert, but I would imagine this decrease in quality coming from one of three things:

    1. Super fast development increasing ChatGPT’s dataset, but decreasing its reliability.
    2. ChatGPT is far more censored than it was before, and this could have hurt the system’s reliability.
    3. Maybe large-scale, mature large language models just dont scale well when exposed to certain kinds of inputs.

    If the answer is one of the first two, I would expect and uncensored, open source LLM to overtake ChatGPT in the future.