XKCD 1268 by Randall Munroe (CC BY-NC 2.5).
Imagine you were transported to an alternate universe just like your own, except people occasionally ate spiders. You can’t convince anyone this is weird. [[Two figures stand. A woman is holding a big spider. The other figure looks shocked. There is another spider on the floor.]] Woman: Mmm… Figure: No! What are you doing!? This is how I feel about lobster.
{{Title text: As best as I can tell, I was transported here from Earth Prime sometime in the late 1990s. Your universe is identical in every way, except for the lobster thing and the thing where some of you occasionally change your clocks for some reason.}}
well obviously wet bugs are cleaner since they’re surrounded by water all the time
It wouldn’t be weird to land bugs if they had that tasty meat crustaceans do. I’m big for alternative sources of protein like bugs, but the fact is they taste like shit.
chinese proverb: everything is tasty if you fry it enough.
Ate fried bugs. Can confirm they aren’t tasty at all.
You weren’t supposed to use motor oil