It amazes me people even think it matters at this point, like they think this country still has any judicial standards
We voted those out
Yeah I’m pretty sure Democratic voters are sick as fuck of forty years of watching Republicans break the law with impunity, Democrats doing nothing to reign them in or control them, worrying about how doing so will “leave a bad precedent” ignoring the bad precedent of letting verifiable crimes slide.
Maybe, just maybe, seeing the law mean absolutely nothing to one party for forty years has made Democratic voters question what is even the point of following the rules when all it gets you is kicked in the nuts.
I mean for fucks sake, whose idea was it to bring out Dick Fucking Cheney as if him not being hung from his fucking neck in the Hague for war crimes isn’t proof enough that no matter how heinous the crime we will protect our politicians. How was bringing out a fucking war criminal supposed to make me want to vote for Harris??? No, it was just a painful fucking reminder that we’re platforming the very people who brought us to this nadir.
We voted those out
No we didn’t.
We threw the last scraps out the window 30 years ago when the Dem party decided to close ranks and protect Bill despite lying under oath.
Republicans lost theirs decades before that.
Stop acting like shit is new and just the fault of trump. What we have now is the natural result of things done decades ago.
It’s just in 87 Reagan said the media could lie, and in 96 Clinton said anyone can buy the media, even other corporations.
And even if my comment doesn’t explain everything, that’s because we’re talking about the ramifications of decades of deregulations from the only two political options.
Some things were done in plain view, others on the sly.
But it’s been a steady march to deregulation regardless of the letter by any President’s name since Jimmy Fuckin Carter. And the main point of regulations is to stop corruption, so don’t play shocked massive deregulation has lead to widespread corruption, including judicially.
Yup. Americans chose to signal that our justice system was unequivocally a joke when they elected a felon rapist traitor to be our leader.
Let me say that again for the people in the back.
Our incoming leader is a RAPIST.
Justice isn’t a thing here anymore.
Oh it is worse, a fucking pedophile who likes to joke about fucking his daughter. A guy who specializes in blackmail and fraud. The second most litigious person in the United Stares. It is a strange world when felon rapist isn’t even the worst of it.
Who gives a fuck. Norms are no longer a thing.
The news outlets can fuck off with their gasoline pouring.
Who gives a fuck. Norms are no longer a thing
And people are pissed about that…
A large number of people who didn’t vote, chose not to because they view both parties as corrupt who prioritize the wealthy over regular citizens.
We can yell at them till we’re blue in the face to choose the lesser of two evils because it’s less evil, but that clearly isn’t working.
So why not we meet the standards of Dem voters to earn their vote?
Why the fuck is it when that option is presented, everyone ignores it?
A large number of people who didn’t vote, chose not to because they view both parties as corrupt who prioritize the wealthy over regular citizens.
Hope they’re happy Trump is their new president. They effectively voted for him.
What’s your point?
We all lost.
We can be self righteous and quadruple down and run another unpopular moderate, and see if yelling at them to vote anyways works…
But it’s got a pretty bad track record.
If we run a young charismatic candidate with a progressive platform, we know that performs very well.
So at a certain point. Aren’t both sides acting like children?
Isn’t the smart move for the “moderates” to compromise and we get progressive a little faster than they want? They’re the ones controlling the party and exerting influence so their candidate wins in primaries over the one voters want.
Why is the compromise always to the right?
Why not do what works and gets the American people help faster?
This is going to influence literally zero future votes. It’s a flash in the pan news story for news junkies and not remotely as bad as past pardons, which themselves have also had zero impact on future voting. The broader impression of corruption is because of a systematic and continual deference to the issues of business and rich donors, not that a president’s immediate family can get out of jail free.
Lol. Who cares?
The dipshit incoming president literally threatened to go after his political opponents. That’s all the justification Biden needed to pardon his son.
And to be clear, that incoming president is a convicted felon and adjudicated RAPIST who incited an insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election.
The justice system is a joke.
Who the fuck cares if Biden pardons his son for non-violent crimes?
Why the fuck are we STILL holding Democrats to a higher standard when we hold Republicans to literally no standard?
Where exactly are we holding Demecrats to a higher standard?
One thing I actually noticed reading news and reading articles in politics is that almost everyone who could criticize Trump did it, even for free.
Artists did it, journalists did it, scientists did it, actors did it and even normal people did it.
Where is the higher standard you are talking about?
You are basically are asking for people to not talk about corruption at this stage.
There’s criticizing, and then there’s running a business and using your office to increase its profits, holding your ally’s defense supplies hostage if they don’t help you politically, claiming an election was stolen and inciting a riot over it, holding (and refusing to return) documents to which he has zero personal ownership, appointing your family to high-level jobs in your orbit…
Seriously, you thought this was just about criticism?
Well then those adults are fucking idiots.
Can you explain your reasoning here for calling them idiots?
Because it’s bullshit double standards. And I, for one, have lost complete faith in what the public thinks about anything, especially when it comes to politics.
Yeah I have zero faith in Americans at this point. My excuse for Americans in 2016 was that a minority of them put the orange shitstain into office because our electoral system is broken. But this time the majority did. So at best, the majority of Americans are mentally stunted and morally bankrupt.
I trust Americans about as far as I can throw them, and since roughly 40% are obese and an additional 30% are overweight, that isn’t very far.
Trump and his posse have also been on a 8+ year tirade about imprisoning/killing the guy as well. No way would I spend my remaining days (Biden is realistically not long for this world) on egg shells waiting to see if they are going to further punish my kid that would already be serving his prison term (unlike Trump!).
And I think Biden would have 100% stuck to his previous stance had Trump not chosen the most grossly incompetent and very vindictive selections for his DOJ positions (and all spots really) hellbent on going scorched earth on Biden and everyone ever in his orbit.
They’re probably just miffed they’re not getting the 60k for narc’ing
How does that have anything to do with the related topic? Been sitting on that all day waiting for a chance to use it? Unsuccessfully, too.
So miffed 🤣
Lol, is this your attempt at trolling? You’re bad at it, bub.
I just find Stan-ing for Biden hilarious. Idk why anyone would care so much about another politician who clearly only serves his own interests. Between aiding an obvious genocide and not going after trump & his enablers in the 4 years in office, he is a pathetic joke. A squandered presidency only to hand it back with more norms erased is nothing to celebrate.
…but yes, every adult who thinks Biden sucks are the fucking dumb ones. Enjoy a shrinking base
Apparently not only are you a terrible troll, but you also can’t fucking read. Good job.
I don’t know what you’re reading, but the commentor made no such claim. You’re being disingenuous and lying.
If Biden isn’t busy writing pardons for every single person who voted for Kamala Harris, he’s wasting his time.
It’s not about it being his son, it’s about the fact that when push comes to shove, we’re in a class war, and whether they’re relatives (Biden & son) or just “friends” (GWBush & Iran Contra), what we have is a massive amount of class solidarity on the side of wealthy politicians, and that solidarity has been there for 50 years or more.
He will write pardons for people in his administration, but they won’t do anything to protect any of us. They’re just gonna hand the reigns to Trump & Co. and say “good luck.”
I don’t care that he pardoned his son when it comes to painfully obviously partisan attacks, what I care about is that he refuses to extend the same care to all of his constituents. His son matters more than the rest of us to him, which is normal, but also… sorry, if you signed up for this job (President), you’re supposed to care about the lives of all Americans, not just your own shitty fuckup of a kid.
I’ll give a fuck about this issue when he stands up for regular Americans. Otherwise, saving the asses of those closest to you is par for the course for the wealthy and politically connected.
…so 66% disapprove? Wtf is up with wording things like this
From literally the first sentence of the article:
Half of adults disapprove of his decision, while 22% approve.
The rest don’t have an opinion when asked.
So are they rounding 44% to 50? It still doesn’t make sense.
deleted by creator
Nobody gives a shit, the media is a joke with this dumbass virtue signal. We all see what you don’t talk about.
About half believe Trump should serve prison time for his felony conviction too. Same site:
So what conclusion can we really draw from this?
And you can guarantee it’s not the same half. Each result probably has about 40% of “opposing party loyalists” checking in.
I just love that the headline kind of implies they polled children too.
I understand the decision, especially when Joe is old and no longer running for re-election. It’s nothing compared to what Trump has done and will do…
That said, it’s naked corruption and is wrong.
Democrats alienating the key demographic zero to seventeen.
I approve because the other side must realize the shitsorm they have conjured with their flagrant lawlessness. Fuck hunter, fuck Joe, but most especially, fuck the republican criminal traitor filth.
I could really give a shit if he was doing all he could do to save US democracy right now.
Fact is he ain’t doing fuck all else, so yeah, I disapprove. Whatever the fuck that entails.
Can we please move on?
I wish, but it is just getting started. Trumpin 2: Fascist Boogaloo
As an adult. I approve and there needs to be plenty more to protect other “political enemies” that Trump will try to hunt.