65 per cent of Canadians say Canada is accepting too many legal immigrants. That figure, less than a year ago in February, was just 50 per cent. In March 2019, only 35 per cent of Canadians held that view.
Based on this poll https://acs-metropolis.ca/studies/negative-sentiment-towards-immigrants-in-canada-is-on-the-rise/
Has an n of 1612. 50% admit not having a good understanding of immigration policy.
** Unless you are a recognized native person, WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS ** Jfc, you people are dumb.
I am the descendant of immigrants.
Where would I be sent if deported?
I only have one citizenship.
I don’t know of a single Timmie’s in my region which isn’t staffed entirely by Filipinos or other foreign nationals that live 20 to a flat that is also owned by their employer.
We deport these people, and prices of a lot of things are going to spike dramatically. Those business owners won’t be able to earn those many millions a year if they can only hire Canadian citizens.
Comments on /r/Canada are so fucking weird. Someone literally said “I was an immigrant turned citizen and I support this”. It’s like: now that you have your citizenship you aren’t considered an immigrant anymore? Wow.
Edit changes “I am” for “I was”
Postmedia is stepping up its Fox Newsification of Canadian news
sadly, i have heard these comments from people in my area. they of course are talking about Indian students. “they take up bus space, they take our jobs, they open their own restaurants, they don’t follow Canadian values”. a lot of hate spewing from these people.
Canadian values seem to have evaporated in the last ten years. I feel like we’re almost unidentifiable when viewed next to Americans in a crowd now. There’s still a few big differences, but politically we’re in near lock step just a few years behind America. At least, that’s the vibe I get speaking with anyone older than 40. Social media has turned Canada into a Kuato-like attachment to America’s hip, except instead of calling the shots we’re just along for the ride as the host begins its descent into a death rattle.
Yes there are alot of things i find similar to how people act here vs the US. We need to bring back our separate identity but we also have to remember they are our neighbors down there. People don’t even talk to their neighbors here anymore. Having said that, these people have been very kind to me and down to earth, i have not seen anything negative about them.
Imagine fucking mass migration policy this bad to where the most welcoming immigrant country turned on you…
Justin is a fucking idiot. You have build housing and infrastructure if you want to import this many people. This is common sense, they know this… so why are they doing it anyway?
Housing cost in Canada is meme but hey lets add 1 million people into country with 2 million beds short.
Justin is a fucking idiot. You have build housing and infrastructure if you want to import this many people.
Say it with me: The Federal Government is not responsible for housing and infrastructure.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, it’s up to provincial and municipal leadership to stop allowing so many single, detached homes and start developing some higher density housing.
But first, you have to convince the NIMBYs that higher density homes won’t send their community into ruin… Good luck!
Its like health care, people complain to the PM, but its a provincial matter.
Add in roads/traffic, energy, prisons, social services, long-term care, police, snow removal, etc., etc., etc.
Literally, the things that affect people on a daily basis are NOT matters of the Federal Government.
So when the 'fuck Trudeau", flag-waving, F150 crowd is pissed off about their current situation, they should stop to think why they keep voting for a Conservative government.
Unless they have a grievance about our national parks, foreign policy, aboriginal land, or national defence, they should focus their anger on the leadership who are actually causing harm to this country and their communities.
well said.
Our economy and growth are literally being strangled to death by NIMBYs and corrupt zoning
??? 23% of all Canadians are first-generation immigrants. Permanent Residents are legal immigrants. 48% probably includes some of these immigrants that want to deport themselves. What are y’all smoking?
And most Canadians are descended from immigrants who arrived in the past century.
Like 98% if you extend that to two centuries.
We’re an immigrant nation, which is arguably how we’ve kept a lid on xenophobia until now. (And still are, probably; they chose the most doomer stats for the headline)
I’m not for mass deportation, but if you’re an immigrant yourself and you’re calling for this I think you should set a good example and take off.
I’m guessing it’s almost entirely within the 70% that “just” have immigrant grandparents.
It’s due to the housing crisis. If we had the infrastructure to support the influx of immigrants, Canadians wouldn’t be so opposed to them.
Now’s that’s the title of a study I want to read:
What are y’all smoking?
Abstract: Akrasia + Social Media = WTF
Fuck Nat. po.
If ‘Fuck Nat. po.’ = True, why did you post it?
Because I happened to be reading it and it is ok to read and share things from sources you don’t necessarily like.
What makes you want to support the source if you do not like the source?
Presumably, the content was interesting enough to make that sacrifice.
I haven’t lived in Canada since around 2006. I try to keep up with the news because my family lives there and the talk about this all the time. I don’t use Google News, I don’t go on Reddit, and this article managed to make it’s way through the digestive track of the Internet to land in my feed, maybe on Mastodon.
So, I read it, and I was a little irked by the numbers. I shared it here and now I have the feedback I want.
It is heartwarming to be judged so immediately based solely on the source of something I shared. Lemmy is truly becoming Reddit.
It is heartwarming to be judged so immediately based solely on the source of something I shared. Lemmy is truly becoming Reddit.
Do you routinely get this defensive and play victim when asked simple questions?
So, I read it, and I was a little irked by the numbers. I shared it here and now I have the feedback I want.
The feedback you wanted was “Fuck Nat. po.”, “Postmedia is stepping up its Fox Newsification of Canadian news”, “Comments on /r/Canada are so fucking weird. Someone literally said “I was an immigrant turned citizen and I support this”. It’s like: now that you have your citizenship you aren’t considered an immigrant anymore? Wow. Edit changes “I am” for “I was””, “https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221026/dq221026a-eng.htm ??? 23% of all Canadians are first-generation immigrants. Permanent Residents are legal immigrants. 48% probably includes some of these immigrants that want to deport themselves. What are y’all smoking?”?
I haven’t lived in Canada since around 2006. I try to keep up with the news because my family lives there and the talk about this all the time. I don’t use Google News, I don’t go on Reddit, and this article managed to make it’s way through the digestive track of the Internet to land in my feed, maybe on Mastodon.
While I appreciate a response, it doesn’t answer the question I posed. I also don’t care that much if you want to keep being weird about it. I was just curious as to why you support the publication after agreeing with the statement “Fuck Nat. po.”.
I have nothing to defend or of which to be the victim?
I’m not a fan of the NP or the Globe, but I still read the news. Sometimes I’m disappointed with the CBC. I like seeing other ideas, though. I like seeing how the news can spin and slant things. It is part of my work.
I didn’t mean to come off as a c-nt and make you waste you time with this long response.