• downpunxx@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Palestinians lie, and the world blames Jews, then the world targets Jews, and when the truth finally comes out, no one apologizes, the hurt and blood cannot be rescinded, because “The Jews deserved it anyway”

    • Eldritch@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Israel lies. Hamas lies. No one apologizes for the Israeli lies either. You know what Palestinians don’t do… Run an apartheid state. Or turn Israel into an open air prison. Israel is the one here with the power to change the situation. Why don’t they?

      It’s definitely tragic the attacks that happened. And our hearts go out to all of those families. Why didn’t any Israelis think about that over the years for the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed in their governments genocidal apartheid?

      • Guydht@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Israel is with the power to change the situation? Oh really? What could Israel could possibly do do have peace in the region? Besides going “okay we’re leaving bye have tel aviv and jerusalem” nothing could be done to stop the palestinian aggression. Nothing, and they proved that time and time again. Israel has nothing to do in the situation except prevent more attacks on it.

        • Eldritch@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Eject Netanyahu and allies from the government. They’re partially responsible for hamas. Open up Palestine, focus a concerted effort on improving their material conditions and future prospects. People who believe they have equity in a system they perceive as fair and just. Typically don’t seek to destroy it or those they associate with it. Stop bulldozing their homes and stealing their land. Doesn’t matter who started it. It still doesn’t justify what the Israeli government has done.

          Israel has everything to do with the situation. A blind hyperpartisan apologist like yourself just could never admit that.

          • Guydht@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Oh and what do you think would happen the second they open up Palestine? Would they get hugs and kisses or knives and mass raping? Let’s look at 7/10 as an example of what happens when Israelis don’t supervise entry to their country by Palestinians.

            And as much as I hate it, Israel is a jewish state. Meaning it’ll never take in so many muslims endangering that jewish majority status - which is horrible. But on the other hand, neither would Palestinians agree to be part of Israel. Do you really think they’ll agree to just enter the state and live alongside existing Israelies? If so, then you live reaaaaaaly far away from that region to know anything about it. A nice resource is “the ask project” on youtube, just watch a couple of videos and see who Israel is facing against. They want nothing to do with Israel. They want their annihilation or exile.

            Start looking at other media sites besides al jazira and see what’s really the problem there. Don’t believe neither side wants this war to happen, because noone does. It’s just that both sides are too stubborn (arguably Palestinians more) to do things for their own good.

            • Eldritch@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Oh and what do you think would happen the second they open up Palestine? Would they get hugs and kisses or knives and mass raping?

              Neither. That’s a strawman.

              Let’s look at 7/10 as an example of what happens when Israelis don’t supervise entry to their country by Palestinians.

              That’s a pointless thing to look at as long as you don’t address the underlying inequality and segregation Israel is imposing. Israel is only adding a second problem to address with the first problem that they created. Without doing away with both of them either one in isolation will not be adequate.

              But on the other hand, neither would Palestinians agree to be part of Israel.

              What’s your source for this? The fact that they won’t allow Palestinians to be part of Israel does not mean that Palestinians wouldn’t want to be. The problem is Israel won’t let them in the first place. If they even did the bare minimum of taking and screening families permitting them to leave Gaza and integrating them into society. This would be a whole different situation. The fact that they locked them down treating them like animals. Then act surprised when they get the retaliation they were looking for in return. Really seems disingenuous.

              Start looking at other media sites besides al jazira

              Oh cool another straw man. Do you actually have anything of value to say? Or are you just going to continue to try to debate dishonestly?

              • Guydht@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                First, how is that a strawman? You said Israel should open up Palestine, I wrote why Israel shouldn’t. Either you’re speaking unknown terms I don’t understand or you don’t know what strawman argument means.

                Secondly, I again advice you to look at more views of this conflict. “The ask project” is a good one asking Israelies and Palestinians questions about hotly debated topics. There you’ll find your answer as to what’ll happen when Israel opens Palestine. Palestinians don’t want to be part of Israel, they want Israel destroyed. You listening to left media is good and keeps you updated under one side of the conflict, but doesn’t reflect the will of the people living there and what happens practically.

                The inequality and segregation by Israel is supposing Palestinians want to be integrated into Israel and don’t be allowed to. But the truth is that amongst peaceful Palestinians there are plenty of Iran and ISIS backed people who want to destroy the western world - and Israel to them seems like the frontline. So no, Israel should not stop their segregation, because that’s the only thing keeping them alive to this day.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The same organization is making it very clear that this is not proof because they only have publicly available Intel.

    The group cited several clips believed to be of the explosion from different sources and claimed the “geolocation and timing of the footage is conclusive”. However, they said their conclusions are not “proven fact”.

    “That doesn’t mean that they are THE truth, just what we think is highly likely based on our geolocations(facts) and logic/reason,” they wrote on Twitter.

    “We are geolocators, not official investigators… To be sure what really happened, different official investigations are needed.”


    Israel and the US have more intelligence that could definitely prove what happened…

    But for some reason they aren’t releasing it. Most logical reason is it shows Israel launched it, or blew up the hospital while trying to shoot a rocket down.

    If it cleared Israel, that satellite footage would be out by now. Gaza is too tiny for me to believe Israel just wasn’t surveiling it at the time.

    • Guydht@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I don’t understand. Ya’ll think Israel is gonna burn an intelligence asset they have by making it public just so people who are already convinced by one narrative (because underdogs are always easier to support) have proof of one attack not being their own? They have better use for that intelligence. Like fighting a war.

    • noride@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Is that really the most logical conclusion to be drawn? It’s been less than a day, and I would really hope intellegince services are more diligent than your average twitter sleuth. Id rather they be right than first, personally.

      Also what satellite footage are you talking about?

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You dont think Israel has satellites looking at Gaza?

        It’s a very very small area, and missiles/rockets are more than visible enough. It should be really easy to see if it came from Israel or further in Gaza.

        Hamas doesn’t have satellites, so it makes sense they can’t offer proof.

        If Israel wants people to believe them in 2023, they need to understand they’ve already burnt up their benefit of doubt.

        • Guydht@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Bro 1 quick google search and you have a satellite image of the hospital. Ya’ll just don’t wanna believe anything Israel says at this point.

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            1 year ago


            Google maps is a thing, but Israel and the US has live satellite coverage. I guarantee Israels is pointed in that area

            • Guydht@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              And again One quick google search brings you to satellite pictures of the damage published by Israel (and also by other non biased news sources) Just search for it, please. I understand you have your agenda but come on don’t let it hide truths and evidence.