Yeah that tracks, do Google next haha
Yeah that tracks, do Google next haha
Right, many Europeans have basic consumer protections lol
Be careful about “unsubscribing” to various services.
They will unsubscribe you, but then they also have all of your information (name, address, anything else) on record and confirmed. They can profit when the sell that data to another mailer “service”. It’s like a Hydra.
The thing is that on leftist forums, the stakes for a veganism debate are pretty high cause it easily causes a 50-50ish flameout.
Mods would appreciate if people like OP didn’t intentionally troll to stir that sort of thing up (if the discussion takes place organically and respectfully, then whatever).
Mods would also appreciate if people didn’t feed obvious trolls who are just starting things up, like you pointed out, there are specific places to post about that sort of topic.
Please don’t feed obvious trolls
Leave the personal attack off in the future please
Don’t do whatever this is.
Can you provide a source for this? Makes it easier to moderate if you can back up what you’re saying.
Before that can happen, we (as the non-ownership class) need to shift away from the capitalist mode of production, into a more advanced economy. On a global scale this is incredibly difficult, since the United States has a hegemonic influence over global economic affairs, and has been hostile to any states that attempt to subvert the capitalist mode. This is kinda sorta beginning to wane, but it’ll be a couple decades still until we see some real progress IMO.
They should clarify for themselves I guess, but by my reading they were commenting on the general topic of “unemployment metrics” rather than the specific situation in the article. If that’s the case it’d be a different discussion entirely.
I’d hope that people understand that the PRC doesn’t have a robust social safety net as it stands currently.
Literally this, nobody really cares about your “online persona”. If i haven’t added you on discord or something you’re just a star her to me IDC what your Lemmy account is
Fair, I’d be interested in examples, since I mostly know of him from seeing people talk about him on Lemmygrad or wherever (who have their own issues, of course). I can go find them myself though, I appreciate you giving me a general idea about what’s up wtih the guy.
I do appreciate him bringing these interviews on the ground, but I always want to do my best to account for bias and spin, even for things like that that appear straightforward. I haven’t even watched the second half of the video cause I figured it would feature him more (maybe that assumption was incorrect idk).
Definitely sounds like a crackpot who shouldn’t be taken too seriously from Wikipedia though. I just think calling something “propaganda” is a shallow criticism on its own.
I see, I’m gonna make a low-ish effort post, but I’m happy to discuss further if you’d like:
I only mean to suggest that both religions have a bit of bloodthirst in them, which doesn’t apply to everyone, but is certainly comparable. We can go deeper into the details, I just felt like you were giving Christians a bit of a pass that they don’t deserve.
Right, you can assume that people around here aren’t racist/homophobic/transphobic etc… Cause even if they are, they’re gonna catch a ban as soon as they expose themselves. They generally don’t deserve your full wrath if we’re fundamentally “on the same side” just cause they are kinda naive and not big fat theory nerds like some people around here.
In the future you can go against the position, but you repeatedly used “you” in this post making it personal and right up against our civility guidelines.
Can you substantiate that? I’m only tangentially familiar with his work. He’s certainly softer on Russia than other sources, but is he doing more than bringing “balance” to the conversation?
Watching the clip I showed, I could suspect that he may be leaving out other interviews he did where people were more pro-ukrainian, but at the same time, the woman in the video claims that about 80% of the town supports Russia, which would line up with what I previously understood about the politics of their region.
I don’t particularly care that much about the guys personal politics, and I haven’t had that much exposure to them, since my only interest so far has been these two interviews which I personally interpret as primary sources. I would in now way claim that these two people speak for anyone besides themselves, but what they both say is loosely backed up by the data I’ve seen.
Sure, like I said I don’t think it’s really important who is “worse”, it’s not a useful topic of discussion.
I did want to make a couple of counterpoints though
Because most Christians don’t feel so entitled to expect others to live by their rules, and threaten them with death when they don’t.
Ok come on, my friend. I know a bible burning won’t get you the death penalty, but many many many people have been killed and imprisoned for not living to Christian values, especially in the United States. It’s “just a few crazies” or whatever, but it really isn’t since these actions happen in an environment of indirect public support.
UNESCO doesn’t bear any authority, so the answer would be “none at all” or something like that, I guess…
It’s not that you’re an idiot, but it’s wise to avoid using a chromium/blink based browser since they are building a dangerous monopoly. Firefox is the best known alternative, but there are a couple other options.