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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Israel existence has never been a peaceful one. The creation and violence started with Shubaki family assassination in the British Mandate of Palestine which led to 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine in which Israeli Zionist began their ethnic cleansing campaign and capture of Palestinian territory. Israeli zionists were scared the country was going to become Palestinian they created a war where untold atrocities and genocides that led to the creation of Israel and an apartheid state. Then Israel along with USAs and Britain’s help created a state for Palestinians in which they control everything leaving no control of their future in their hands. As Israel slowly took more and more territory from them. Hamas wouldn’t exist if instead of an ethno-state of Israel existing the country was called Palestinian exist and everyone had equal right like the area had before.

    According to the UN, between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper. - https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties

    Before October 7th life wasn’t peaceful. I don’t like terrorism but if you treat others like second tier people and steal their land they are going to fight back any way they can. You don’t blame an abused animal or person that hurt others you blame the abuser which is Israel. Once you hold the abuser accountable then can you go to therapy and train people that not all people are out to hurt you and not to lash out. Terrorism doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If someone seems like a caged animal look at the abuser. Why does the abusers violence exist? Because they want their land and don’t see the other people as human well there you go now we see the problem as an ethnic cleansing issue.

  • Just because you bought something and never picked it up it isn’t the stores fault. If you buy a perpetual license to digital code then never download it then cry when the store stops providing the source or updating it sounds like a you problem. Now a SaaS thing is weird. Like what do i do when I own a license for Helldivers 2 and the service turns off. That is like paying a person a lump sum for a service like trash but it is one person and you expect it to last at least 50 years since that person is young and they die next week. Now you are out the money and the service expecting the service would never end

  • Sure. People of that skin about 15 million people for 400 year built this country without being able to reap any rewards for their contributions. Then I took another 80-99 years to give those people equal rights that we still struggle with today. By the time they became equal everything was owned and they were already cast into poverty. Until we see equal outcomes from people of that skin color as the average majority they deserve as much help as we can give them. Honestly they deserve reparations. But instead they only get scholarships until the college population equals that of the racial makeup of this country. Oh yeah they qualify for college just they wouldn’t get accepted because the institution is racist or with out the help the kids will have to potentially put their family at risk with huge loans.

  • Republicans don’t believe that they need guns to defend against tyranny. They think they need guns because they are mine, they are scared, fantasy fulfillment of defending property or killing people in public. The oligarchical overlords in the republican party believe in guns because the peasants will kill the undesirables that they pitched to fight each other. The guns were never meant to be turned on the upper class that control the world

    1. People say whatever on the internet and anonymous areas. Often for shock or the extremist idealism as if something was dead things would be different

    2. Your examples. Both of these are extreme differences in people’s views and principles. The logger is killing and ruining someone’s country for profit. Yes the individual guy needs money but he put the principal of doing something wrong aside to make money. The logger could do something else or he doesn’t care. He has no empathy towards future generations or the health of species of animals. Why should someone have empathy for them.

    Nazi example is easy while I am sure some people were ignorant or born into being a child of a nazi one should be resisting the horridness if you reap the benefits of your nation’s success at the downfall of others of course they are going to wish you dead. To put you into a perspective of nazi haters why should they get to live a peaceful life or be forgiven or left alone even if they saw the error of their ways or to desperate to fight back when people lost their future and families because of their group.

    As for the drug dealer people see the worst that comes out in people as a druggie and blame the person who keeps enabling. If the druggie could be cut off then someone’s life wouldn’t be ruined.

    In every example you gave someone was ruining someone else’s life or future. Of course people personally affect by similar circumstances aren’t going to have as much empathy for these people it takes a lot of compassion, self reflection, love, and forgiveness to be able to be kind to someone who hurt you and your family. Not everyone is in that place.

    1. Every day or year we have unbalanced people entering huge amounts of hormones causing their feelings to be imbalanced and every a new person is getting hurt leading to a life where kindness is locked off for awhile maybe forever.

    2. Our culture is about retribution many people don’t see proper steps to make things right or see people continue to do bad things. The easy solution is having things not exist anymore so you don’t get hurt again. If you trust bad people they may hurt you. Every decision has a consequence and rarely is it fully made whole even in forgiveness. You can’t give someone back their family, you can’t give someone back an extinct species, you can’t give back the world a stable climate. Of course people will hold hatred

  • In a first past the post democracy there is no 3rd party. There is only the thing that is slightly better. Who is better in everything you want? Trump or Harris? If you say something else. But Harris is Closer to what you want and you choose the 3rd option you are choosing to help Trump win in your state. You choosing 3rd party is one less vote Trump has to win. If you want the green parties policies Trump is the furthest away from it. The time to move the party was during the primary. Now we have to vote for the furthest left thing that has the strongest chance of winning OR we get the right wing thing. Potentially never getting a chance to vote again if you listen to Trump.

    The most minuscule way protest votes are possible is if you live in an overwhelmingly Blue state and you know Harris will win sure vote 3rd party but in Georgia when 11,000 people decided the outcome we can’t risk a movement of voting 3rd party. Title 9 , abortion, climate change belief in government, federal agencies, EPA, postal service, FTC, SEC, redistricting to make fair election maps for the senate and congress, manufacturing, and so much more is on the chopping block for Trump and Republicans let alone more supreme court and federal judges