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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024

  • I’ve had VMs do this if not enough vram were allocated.

    Since this is running on metal, I’d say check BIOS settings to see if you can dedicate additional memory to video/GPU. This is a pretty common feature for laptops and desktops with integrated graphics.

    Following that, see if there may be a better non-free driver for your graphics. I’d recommend getting lspci output if you don’t know what chipset it is. What model is the laptop?

    What you’re explaining re: partial reboot sounds like your window/display manager crashing.

  • Detroit failed because of automation and off-shoring. Things that could have been repaired or prevented politically, sure. But not directly caused by policies based in bigotry and ignorance.

    If any correlation can be made, it’s from white-flight. Which would be caused by Detroit’s massive loss of jobs and Florida’s massive loss of land. But white flight, imo, is the reaction, not the catalyst, of its downfall.

  • This is bad practice.

    More accurately it should look something like this:

    # Load sys library for exiting with status code
    import sys
    def sayHelloWorld(outPhrase: str="Hello World"):
        # Main function, print a phrase and return NoneType
        return None
    if __name__=="__main__":
        # Provide output and exit cleanly when run from shell
        # Exit with rc!=0 when not run from shell