German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Thierig also pointed out that sick leave tended to increase on Fridays and late shifts. “That is not an indicator of bad working conditions because the working conditions are the same on all working days and across all shifts. It suggests that the German social system is being exploited to some extent,” he said.

    How bad of a manager can you be to not understand this? When your sick leave is more than three times as high as the automotive average, then your working conditions are so bad people are getting sick. Being too exhausted to work or unable to take another day of horrid working conditions at the end of the week is a symptom of that. Not being able to make it through a late shift for health reasons is not abusing the Healthcare system. That is what it’s for. Stop treating your people bad and they will be healthier and come to work. How hard is that to understand?

  • You are immature for your age and try to now grow up. You think you are smarter than most people, which you are, but not by as much as you think. For that reason you struggle with impostor syndrome and hold yourself back from achieving the career you actually want. But still you manage to come off as condescending to people around you.

    Please don’t take this seriously.

  • Same. I got his book as an ebook and read it. It offers some decent if simple advice and draws some really weird and false conclusions in other places. But overall it isn’t a bad book and I never felt like he argued on bad faith. But eventually I decided I don’t agree with his views overall.

    Later he went a bit weird eating only meat and making weird arguments so idk. But before that I totally understood how he could suck people into the right wing bubble.

  • I GMed the second year of our DnD 5e campaign which runs every other week. We went through the official modules Waterdeep Dragonheist and then on to Dungeon of the Mad Mage. We are currently at the final battle of the 4th level of the dungeon. The heroes will be level 8 after the battle. It’s just such a nice group and I am happy we manage to play for so long without any major breaks.

    In my second group which is every other week alternating with the first one we had the GM drop out after a little over half a year mid campaign. I offered to run Pathfinder 2e for the first time and it went great. The party is level 5 now and close to the end of the small campaign I prepared. Maybe 2 or 3 more sessions to wrap up. I made up the campaign myself but set it in the world of Golarion. GMing Pathfinder was a blast and I highly prefer it over dnd now. It’ll be my go to system once the mad mage campaign ends which might well be another 2 years. After my Pathfinder campaign ends another player will GM Storm King’s Thunder which we already got characters for and began to play when I couldn’t make prep work in time since GMing 2 groups is a lot for my schedule.

    Lastly I began offering beginner one shots in Pathfinder 2e in my flgs and it’s been absolutely awesome. People routinely buy PF books right there at the store after the session ends which is probably the biggest compliment. The beginner box is great for that.

    I’m working on a proper dnd 5e beginner adventure similar to the Pathfinder box since the dnd sets aren’t really beginner friendly at all nor do they have proper matirials at the ready.

    All in all I had a fantastic RPG year. I hope things can keep going like this in the future.