• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • I think I read somewhere that in order for the Romans to abnegate their role in killing Jesus, as they transitioned to Christianity, they scapegoated the Jews. Although, it was the people who demanded to crucify Jesus. But of course, anti-semites focused on the ethnicity, instead just ascribing the mob justice to just-- on people.

    My guess is that because Jews reject the divinity of Jesus, the Christians found it fair to oppress the Jews. It is not different though to the crusading missions of later Christians in the medieval Europe. The non-Christians refuse to recognise Jesus Christ as both the son of God and god himself, the either they convert, or else be killed or ostracised.

  • functional public transport, the latter almost exclusively due to the socialist movement.

    Dublin is nowhere near a socialist city, nor having a “functional public transport”. Many people in Ireland still live in hinterlands and rural areas with sparse public transport that comes only an hour or so. Ireland is ranked as having one of the worst public transports along with Poland, the latter being a former communist country!

    Lol, you give the worst cope I have seen from a tankie. Even tried to gaslight me that I don’t need a car! I wish so I don’t have to spend ludicrous amount of money! I can tell you’re an edgelord Yank who thinks capitalism oppresses you personally, even though you are typing this from a computer or smartphone, developed thanks to capitalism, and while sipping hot cocoa that is not being rationed. And expressing opinions safe and sound protected by the rule of law of wherever you are.

    Tankies keep on giving the most absurd responses and cracks me up. Thanks for giving me a quick chuckle!

    If you are so enamoured by communism, go to Cuba, China or North Korea and let’s see if you won’t return begging for your passport back!

  • There is definitely bubble wrapped around theists in their own religion. Ask an average people what they know about a given religion and they would either say they don’t know or would give a grossly inaccurate response. I came from a pre-dominantly Catholic culture, and my parents don’t even know what makes Protestants different to Catholics. I had to tell them that Protestants simply don’t believe in the authority of the pope. And then there was a pastor telling me to “just believe” in just about anything, after I stated I am agnostic atheist. He mentioned everyone believes in a religion, like how Muslims believe in Muhammad, or Buddhists believe Buddha is a god. And I was like, no, Buddhists don’t believe Buddha is a god-- he simply was a human being believed to have attained enlightenment.

    It is many of those instances I realised people are generally ignorant and have pre- and misconceptions. Not only that, even way before the idea of post-modernism, people generally want to stick with information that comforts them, whether intentional or not.

  • I distinctly remember debating with a person from my old Internet community. The person is anti-globalisation whereas I am pro. This was before I realised right wingers are anti-globalisation, but he blamed the rise of far left and far right in the 20th century to globalisation, and also blamed the fall of Rome to foreigners with the Germanic invasions (it is an oversimplification as to why Germanic peoples invaded but many viewed themselves as also Romans; hence why the later Holy Roman Empire is Germanic). Then after a while, the discussion turned to women’s rights because I mentioned Westerners just don’t have as many children and therefore immigration is necessity . The interlocutor then basically argued that women should have more children. I alluded that there was a certain political party that explicitly viewed women as baby churners in order to breed more people for their race (I’m referring to the Nazis of course, but I should have also mentioned at the time the Islamic fundamentalists also do the same).

    Someone mentioned that the user I debated with changed over time within the community. I later learned that the person got banned.

    Advocating for traditional values is not in and of itself wrong, but if those values impede another person’s rights then those values are not worth actually worth valuing.