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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I just wanted to add that you can run gui applications through ssh with x11 forwarding, options -X or -Y (untrusted/trusted but at least in Debian back in the day they behaved the same). So if you wanted a gui file manager you run it in the ssh session on the remote server, sudo if you need but NEVER logged as root, and the window will pop on your local DE instead of having to run an entire desktop on each server

  • For me the difference between a cli and a gui is like asking someone to do something speaking in a language they can understand and doing it just by pointing at things and doing gestures. It’s enough for ordering at a restaurant, but for more complex tasks it gets ridiculous, even at a restaurant you’ll get better results if you can ask for some information and understand what the server says

  • The technology will never be ready

    I think you are right, I hope they don’t push it in a half assed state.
    Achieving the accuracy is not the major problem here, but keeping it accurate. You have to make it robust enough so it doesn’t fail at random (sensors in general are a bitch in this regard) and it has to hold a perfect calibration for long enough (a assume chemical detection sensor, which again, are a super-bitch regarding calibrations), while also making it at least a bit hard to bypass. The other problem is the privacy nightmare this can be, analyzing fluids or cameras pointing to your face… are they gonna sell this data to insurance companies (just as an example, it could be other companies, your employer…)? Of course they are!
    The only thing I would expect from this is a lot of people pissed or worst because of malfunctions while all the drunktards stay on the road by simply filling a ballon before they start drinking.

    Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

    Aaaand of course this is been pushed by some Puritan-Americans lol

  • A CEO that brings lots of money and consistently gets to lower the share of your flagship browser seems like a good candidate to destroyed from within. How can Mozilla stay independent when most of their money comes from these ‘royalties’ and most of it is from Google? We’re talking hundreds of millions agains 7 mil in donations that barely pay for the CEO. How are they gonna push back against this webDRM shit google is trying to pull (or any other thing)?

    I feel the same as you, I’ve been using Mozilla/Firefox since forever, because I felt they were doing things I’m aligned with. But I don’t know anymore. I don’t know if they are doing it or they have started to become just muppet opposition.

    Enshittification spreads fast, once it takes roots its to late. But it sure seems like, lately, it’s an all out attack on any freedom left on the internet