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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Personally, red wine gives me a headache and coffee makes me anxious. So I don’t care what these inconclusive studies say (positive or negative), for me personally both are bad (though I still do drink coffee). I think people should ignore these inconclusive studies and do self-experiments instead, until we have better data. Most people have a baseline level of being hyper-caffeinated and can’t imagine life without it. Life could be better or it could be worse, but people don’t care to experiment.

  • You are exactly right. This whole thread is full of people complaining about the price, but it’s perfectly justifiable for this one reason. If you have a significant other then it’s actually cheaper to rent than it is to go to the theater. And big screen TVs are commonplace, so the experience is about the same (arguably better since you can pause if you have to go pee, can rewind if you missed something, can be as obnoxious as you want, don’t have to commute there, and don’t have to deal with sticky floors and overpriced popcorn).

    I’m not saying the price is reasonable (it’s too high in my opinion) but people need to stop pretending like it makes no sense from a business perspective. It’s a no-brainer to the average non-pirating consumer: they are getting something better, for cheaper.