No I’m not catastrophising.

The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist led America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.

Instead people are either ignorant or blaming “wokeism”* for their problems.

I have no clue what to do and this is literally a car crash in slow motion.

I’m despondent because I’m going to be crushed under the boot when the time comes and my morals get in the way of my survival instinct.

Humans are repeating the mistakes of the past. It’s just so anxiety inducing.

*Woke is a useless term promulgated by fascists to dog whistle the things they really want to hate - feminism, socialism, LGBTQIA+, immigration, brown/black people, equality and diversity.

      5 months ago

      nothing will change for vast majority of people.

      Historically that has proven to be false. The majority of Germans, whether targets of the nazis or not, had their lives upended.

      just not as bad as you think.

      Genocide is extremely bad

          5 months ago

          I guess what I’m saying is that there will be no world war or genocides.

          Then you don’t understand fascism.

          Like, you really think I was suggesting that genocide is not that bad?

          People suggest that all the time.

              5 months ago

              Pretty much all of history dealing with fascism disagrees with you. That alone justifies the concern. I haven’t seen anyone say the world is a year or two away from unimaginable suffering or death. But there is a very clear path to unimaginable suffering or death in front of us. We’ve seen the path of fascism taken before. We know what happens. We have historical and academic research that backs it up that we can compare to today.

              Saying (without any evidence) that people are overreacting sounds much more like a coping mechanism to me. People are saying “hey we should really check out this smoke billowing under the door” and you’re telling everyone they’re being silly because you can’t see any fire.

                  5 months ago

                  So what exactly are you disagreeing with? You just don’t like their word choice? Because “Hey we should he careful or the extreme right will take over and dismantle our rights” is exactly what I get from OP. They specifically stated this is the beginning, it’s happening slowly, and they feel they would be a target if we continue on the same trajectory. What’s incorrect/hyperbolic here?

      5 months ago

      I want to get mad at your apathy, but really, it just makes me sad.

      Of course it won’t be the end. In the same way climate disaster isn’t the end of the world, but it is the end of the world as we know it.

      A fascist takeover of many of the most powerful countries in the world wouldn’t mean the end for all, but it does mean the end for whoever is deemed “other”. In the case of 1930s/40s Germany, that was political opponents, Jews, disabled, and LGBT people.

      Today and in the future, who knows what arbitrary definition of a person will be chosen to make people “other”. It could be anything from traditional hate categories like race or sexuality to something new like length of hair.

      I don’t know what kind of person you are but you clearly feel confident that you won’t be one of the ones on the receiving end of violence and the fact you think that’s okay because it’s not happening to you is so… depressing. If you don’t have a moral compass for the sake of others, at least try and have one for the sake of yourself because as fascism rears its head, whatever demographic you fall into may be next at the receiving end of the violence.

      First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist

      Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist

      Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist

      Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew

      Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me

          5 months ago

          I really don’t think you understand what facism really is…I think you’re looking at Republicans flirting with openly enacting facism, and thinking “well, if it’s just to that degree it’ll be ok”

          Facism is like this - you have an authoritarian group, and they promise a perfect world if only everyone believed their ideology.

          But their ideology is garbage, and so we’re going to have problems. And so they’re going to look around and say “it’s LGBT people, they’re ruining everything!”. Then they’re going to directly or indirectly outlaw their existence, and use that to imprison them.

          They’ll milk it for as long as they can… But as this goes on, you get more and more “true believers” who escalate and speed up the process

          But that’s not going to fix anything, obviously. So they’ll look around again for people they can declare different… Maybe it’s black people, or Mexicans, or alleged spies from China. Maybe it’s stem workers, or college grads. Maybe it’s just anyone who doesn’t play along hard enough, and we go the ideological purity route

          But again, that’s only going to make things worse, so they’ll have to find someone else to target. They require an enemy to blame for everything that goes wrong. And a lot is going to go wrong…

          You can say this is all hyperbolic, but it’s really not. The Nazis started just like this, with book bans, control over education, and going after trans people. Then they went after political opposition, then things really got into swing.

          5 months ago

          Being that I live in Texas, it’s been really tough for me to worry about anything but over here. But you’re right, we’re certainly not the only place dealing with this kind of shit. Apologies.

      5 months ago

      Spoken like a good little bootlicker.

      Best keep that tongue on that boot, lest it steps on you instead. Same goes for those businesses under a fascist government. I’m sure life will be good for them, especially if they don’t mind the taste of leather.

      Remove their tongue from the boot, and business won’t be good for them.

          5 months ago

          Speaking up and calling out fascist behavior. Not spending my money on businesses that promote fascists. Voting. Keeping my long barrel in good condition, may it never need to be used.

          Soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge boxes, in that order.

                  5 months ago

                  Even for a bootlicker, you seem especially bitter, sarcastic, and downtrodden. Might help to find someone licensed to talk that out. Ain’t healthy keeping it bottled up, and spewing vitriol on Lemmy doesn’t help anyone.