• Ms. ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago
    1. Either way you’re potentially bringing a kid through the airport to an unfamiliar area with limited supplies in suitcases. My family brought me to Korea when I was very young and a terrible kid to deal with and they’ve never said it was worse than bringing me anywhere else at that age. Given the small sample size I have though I’d genuinely like to know which parts in your experience are harder
    2. There is more in the world than east Asia and even just sticking to the US there are huge swaths of national forest and many cities with unique cultures that could be just as fun for a kid and even cheaper to visit than international travel
    3. Taiwan was huge too with lots of cool things, arcades, food everywhere, the crayon factory, a city full of pampered cats. If you need a string of theme parks to come up with a days worth of things to keep a kid entertained than something is wrong

    And I don’t mean to be entirely against theme parks. I’ve been to Universal, Legoland, Disney world, Cedar Point, among others, as a kid and with kids. My complaint is simply why would you choose to go into debt for somewhere like that when you can have just as vibrant an experience with your kids for cheaper doing something else? It’s depressing