• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If I do a job efficiently that doesn’t mean my boss should then get to then extract free labor out of me. It’s why hours alone are a poor way of judging labor value, and it results in a vicious cycle of demanding more and more productivity from workers with them getting less for it.

    I think the work day for most types of work should be shortened with no reduction in pay because it’s been proven that many industries can reduce the work week to 32 hours with no drop in productivity, and in fact it comes with savings for the business (ex. less time running facilities and services, better use of resources).

    If a customer is provided a quote before hand then that should just be the price, if the contractor can’t provide what was promised in the time frame they themselves gave then that’s on them.

    There needs to come a point where the workers themselves start receiving the benefits of their own efficiency – when time is created it should be workers who get that time back for themselves, instead what we see is that the CEOs syphon up all that extra time for themselves and either work less or convert it into money for their own pocket.