I have a few grinders I’d like to replace the stainless mesh between the middle and bottom chambers. Rather than try to track down the OEM info for the grinders, I figured it might be easier to source 60 micron stainless mesh stock and cut some rounds to size. I don’t need much-- maybe the equivalent of a sheet or two of US Letter or A4 sized sheets or rolls.
My google-fu is failing me and my local suppliers don’t seem to understand what I need.
Anyone here have a source for the screen stock?
edit: solved! Thanks @teft!!
I’ve used the stainless steel mesh from the bottom of fine mesh kitchen strainers (the measuring-cup sized ones). Got them from the dollar store and only had to cut them down a little bit. It’s not bulk stock, but they’re cheap and plentiful. Sadly comes with plastic waste unless you have a use for the leftover part. Luckily I only needed one.
Will this work? Most of the time they call it pollen filtration or collection.
That’s almost exactly what I was looking for! I even tried searching stainless mesh on Amazon and it kept steering me to screen door meshes & chicken wire.
The new AI algorithms suuuuck.
Maybe eBay, it’s been a while but I’ve bought different mesh sizes in the past.
Have you tried cleaning the steel screens with isopropyl and a wire brush? Could even take some sand paper to them.
Old screens warped and frayed at the edges. It’s not a clean thing, but a wear & tear thing.
I have the new screen and will press new discs this weekend. It’s silky.