If you’ve used one on your face, then You Know.
If you haven’t, give it a go! You can remove a whole carpet’s worth of hair in one swipe, with less irritation and super close. It’s not as scary as it looks!
If you’ve used one on your face, then You Know.
If you haven’t, give it a go! You can remove a whole carpet’s worth of hair in one swipe, with less irritation and super close. It’s not as scary as it looks!
Cool, that’s more resilience than I expected from a super sharp edge (but then I don’t really know anything about knives). Stropping looks wicked old-timey to my eyes, so of course I have to try it.
Over the years I’ve only had a couple bloody mistakes using safety razors (just trying to go too fast, not using enough soap, not tightening the head fully, or just getting the angle wrong). I assumed straight razors were less forgiving and never tried, but maybe it’s finally time to give it a shot!