Vice President Kamala Harris gave the public its first real look into her nascent presidential campaign with a stop at her organization’s headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware on Monday night.

Harris’ first applause line came when she discussed her background as California attorney general and as a courtroom prosecutor.

“In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds,” she said, earning cackles while she beamed, clearly enjoying the joke. “Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

    2 months ago

    obama didn’t win because of “obama good” messaging, he won because people hated bush enough that the got off their ass to vote

    Either your knowledge of history is bogus, or you’re too young to have experienced the 08 election between Obama and McCain. Obama didn’t win ‘because people hated bush’, he won because he ran on the (now obviously bogus and intentionally vague) message of hope and change.

    Obama literally won based on his messaging, so I hope no one listens to you on this matter.

      2 months ago

      Well that and he’s an incredibly charismatic person, exceptionally well spoken and handled himself well in almost all public engagements.

      2 months ago

      Change from what?

      What did people want to change?

      What was wrong that we all wanted to change… Away… From?

      Yeah it was deliberately vague bullshit, but I was there. We wanted to change away from Bush and war and bigotry and callous disregard for our fellow citizens.

      Obama’s genius was retorical, not substantial. This country doesn’t know what it wants because we have vastly different ideas about what would be best even inside the Democratic party, let alone independents and Republicans. Laying out specific policy goals is mostly a trap. Because whoever you piss off cares a lot more about that than whoever you please.

      Trump does the same thing by vomiting so much bullshit that voters can imagine he will give them whatever their hearts desire is because he said he would at some point. He won’t, but his voters are mostly already praying to a sky angel so they have a lot of experience projecting love and benevolence for them onto a distant figure that doesn’t care about them at all.

        2 months ago

        Obama had a huge advantage on McCain because McCain seemed comparatively old, feeble, and not nearly as well-spoken. Then McCain picked Sarah Palin as a running mate and America heard her try to form sentences in real time.

        GW was on his way out. The choice was McCain’s version of conservatism plus whatever the crazy cat lady was going to say along the way, or Obama’s promise of hope and change, with a very well-understood Biden at his side.