
A picture of a skinny female orc with the side of her head shaved. She wears an armless red dress and a black shawl, as well as matching red bracelets and a black choker with a gold heart at the front.

At the top of the image is the text “You may not like it, but this is what” in large bubble font

At the bottom of the image is a screenshot from the new D&D changelog, reading “• Orcs no longer have the Powerful Build feature.”

And below that, the text “Peak 2024 D&D orc performance looks like” continues the bubble font from the top.

    7 months ago

    Nah this is hands drawn correctly but not well, AI draws hands well but incorrectly.
    (relatively speaking, its still hands drawn better than I can)

    Edit: Then again the ears are odd and the black thing vanishing under the clothes is confusing. Normally AI can’t understand that objects going behind another object have to come out the other side and this passes that test but it also just looks weird in a way a human wouldn’t do.