I’ve moved from the Google Pixel 4A, which had an excellent fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone, to the 7A.

I won’t sugarcoat it: in my experience the fingerprint sensor, now an optical sensor on the front of the phone, is near useless. It fails to read my finger/thumb print basically ~95% of the time, which means it can’t be used for any account that may lock the user out following ‘x’ unsuccessful login attempts.

I really don’t get why they shipped the feature with the phone given how unacceptably bad it is to use.

Is this a common opinion shared amongst 7A users? Is there something wrong with my phone, or am I missing something? I’d welcome any advice, as I would quite like to get this working reliably.

  • NekuSoul@lemmy.nekusoul.de
    1 year ago

    During the time I used a phone with an under-screen fingerprint sensor (Galaxy A70), there were three things I’ve learned:

    1. After applying or removing a screen protector, it’s important to rescan all fingerprints.
    2. There may be an option in the settings where you can set whether you have a screen protector applied.
    3. You can scan the same finger twice to improve success rate.

    Though even with all that, a real fingerprint sensor is still better than an optical one.

    • spacedogroy@feddit.ukOP
      1 year ago

      Just to add to this, in the 7A settings menu there is an option to increase sensitivity. Go to Settings > Display > Screen protector mode and toggle the option on.

      In my initial tests this has noticeably improved the accuracy of the sensor but I need to give it a bit more time before saying for sure.