• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    is why we can’t give in to defeatism

    No, we can’t engage in self delusion.

    and it’s dangerous to frame discussion with the notion that Harris is “on track to […] lose.”

    No, its dangerous to stand in denial of the evidence. Hopes not going to get you there. The evidence we have right now suggest we might not even have to worry about SC fuckery.

    The ONLY thing that can be done is to stop with this trite, delusional thinking, and to stop advocating for this candidate blindly. That kind of toxic blindness is why the candidate is suffering. Accepting less from your candidate means they don’t do as well on election day. We need to demand better from her because if she doesn’t do better, she wont win.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      There are stories written about people that fight for what’s right and win.

      There are also stories about people that fight for what’s right and lose.

      Nobody ever writes anything about those that give up, regardless of the outcome. Gone and forgotten… as they should be because they contributed nothing.

      I’d rather be either of the first two options than the third. It’s a Pascal’s wager kind of thing… defeatism isn’t actually smart, because it makes you the loser in every outcome.

    • Lobreeze@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Self delusion…? Supporting candidates blindly?

      Trump has no platform to support. It’s all hate and hypocrisy.

      The amount of mental gymnastics you go through must be tiring. Either that or you’re a disingenuous piece of shit.