I picked up a low pressure sodium lamp and am working on a Halloween demonstration. I’m hoping to make a display that appears one way under normal light, but looks totally different under the monochromatic 589nm sodium vapor light.

So basically, I’m looking to generate a color wheel where I pick a shade of gray and get a list of colors that would look that gray under sodium vapor light.

…I feel like there must be a Python library for thing or something…

  • inspxtr@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Is there an equation for this? Like y = f(x) where y is your choice of gray and x is your color. Maybe you can empirically find “f” by fitting randomly created “x” with the resulting “y”.

    If “f” can be approximated and maybe there’s something special about it so that you can find the inverse. Otherwise, you could always just generate a bunch of “x*” again, feed through “f”, and see whether the output “y*” matches your chosen gray.