So some of you might have seen a trend as the Vatican announces their plans to bring god and anime on their side in real life.

The mascot is called Luce, cute anime girl with religious aspects to it.

But mama mia why did they do this for their event next year? It just seems totally unreal and I feel like I’m living in a simulation.

Never have i thought these zealous buggers would use anime influences in a bajillion years

    4 months ago

    Christianity of all denominations is losing followers at a church-worrying rate. Yes, you’ll always get those who are zealous or make it part of their identity and will never quit, and of course, the quiet - if you’ll pardon the pun - masses who are ever faithful, but the churches don’t fill up quite how they used to.

    By getting the kids hooked on an ideology through a relatable, maybe even exciting, child-like character, they’re hoping to (eventually) get people back into churches and get business booming again.