Hello All,
With less than 5 days to kick off, I thought I’d make a post to let you all know that this isnt an unmoderated ghost town, and I will be creating the daily threads as per last year. I am time zone-challenged, so if its late you’ll have to be patient and bear with me.
Looks like the leaderboard from last year can be reused, so I think everything is all sorted!
If there is anything I can do to improve on last year, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing the new challenges and novel solutions!
Yay, it’s that time of year again!
Don’t know how often I’ll be able to compete for time this year, but I’ll give it a go.
I guess I can try this again in G’MIC.
I run our AoC channel at work, and also reactivated it this week after a year of inactivity :).
I would love to learn a new language, but I’ll probably just do it in Rust again, because I so rarely get to program in Rust :).
This is the perfect opportunity for me to finally learn COBOL!
Hoping to complete AoC in real time using Rust this year. Is it possible for new users to join the leaderboard?
Yeah, I think so, just need this code:
Let me know if that works or not?
That worked - thanks 😊
Where do we join?
You’ll need to login and visit here: https://adventofcode.com/2024/leaderboard/private
Use the code from my other comment or the stickied thread.
Awesome! Glad it’s active!
I wasn’t able to complete last year’s AoC as I am 10+ hours ahead and I am a bit daft. Hoping to do this year’s AoC in a new language so I can practice. Thinking Zig, Golang or Rust.