Last year I used mainly crystal. This year I’m thinking pharo smalltalk, if I can pick it up in time

I also want to do visualizations, not sure how possible that is with smalltalk.

      3 months ago

      New Years resolution the past 5 years: I will get better with Rust.

      …and I do get better but somehow it always feels like it’s not enough. Like, I’m still an imposter.

      I can program an entire embedded USB keyboard/mouse firmware from scratch that can do all sorts of things no keyboard has ever done before yet I still feel like a newbie somehow. Like there’s all these people that talk about traits and mutli-threaring with async and GPU and AI stuff and I’m like, “I wrote an embedded_hal crate that lets you use both 8 and 16-channel multiplexers simultaneously!” or, “I wrote an interface that let’s you use the extra space in your RP2040 flash memory as a filesystem!”

      Yet everything I ever write in Rust always just uses the most basic and simple features because I still have trouble with complex lifetimes (passing them around quickly gets too confusing for me) and traits that work with non-basic types (because in the world of embedded 'static is king).