• finitebanjo@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    And they fucking should, because a billion dollar company shouldn’t get off scott free for taking and not giving the agreed upon amounts owed to the people. THAT is how laws work. People need to build a system to deal with these billionaires, to correct the system that created them, not a system that forces people to become savage animals and solves nothing.

    • anti-idpol action@programming.dev
      3 months ago

      I finally feel like agreeing with you here. Yes we need to build such a system. But it won’t be built by complacency and idle talk while the billionaires rob us in broad daylight. It requires struggle. The law is only an ideal but it’s interpretation and execution depends on the material reality whether you like it or not and that was recognized even by people you wouldn’t call materialists and who made great contributions to the modern philosophy of the law, such as Hegel.

      Hegel also had this concept of Sittlichkeit, which is closely linked to the teleological interpretation of the law, namely that what matters is the intent and purpose of the laws and that the purpose of the law should be the greatest common good.

      But that is just a beautiful vision that is not realisitically attainable in a system controlled by a tiny minority which can afford better lawyers, bribe the lawmakers and even the justice system at times, essentially to rig the system to fit their needs.

      We do need a system that does not perpetuate violence against anyone. But that system is irreconcilable with class society where the antagonisms between the exploiters and the exploited will sooner or later lead to one eruption or another. Social peace is over. The question is how we secure a system truly fit for the needs of many against the attacks by the deposed few furious at the lost comforts attained at the expense of their fellow human beings with as little bloodshed as possible and establish a society where the antagonisms and stratification of yore are no longer relevant.

      But before the working class firmly secures it’s power, it will have every right to defend itself, even if it involves such counterattacks for the suffering caused by the other party. Sitting idly and flinching at the very thought of violence will end to the same tragedies as those that happened in Chile in 1973 and in countless other places.

      I dream a world where man
      No other man will scorn,
      Where love will bless the earth
      And peace its paths adorn
      I dream a world where all
      Will know sweet freedom’s way,
      Where greed no longer saps the soul
      Nor avarice blights our day.
      A world I dream where black or white,
      Whatever race you be,
      Will share the bounties of the earth
      And every man is free,
      Where wretchedness will hang its head
      And joy, like a pearl,
      Attends the needs of all mankind-
      Of such I dream, my world!

      But dreams are nothing without a clear and uncompromising strategy for making them a reality.