MSNBC said on Saturday that police examining the bag and its contents found a jacket and Monopoly money, but no firearm.
Thats a plant. They aren’t as close as they say they are. Also 60k as a reward for betraying your entire class? Lmao you better pay kingmaker money.
The NYPD’s working theory of what pistol was used doesn’t even make sense either. These cops are clueless.
They appear to be clueless, so those with a clue may out themselves.
I’m not guessing nothin.
In fairness, the NYPD doesn’t know a lot about guns.
I like how one article said: “The net is tightening,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Saturday.
No, I don’t think it is, but keep saying that.
The net is tightening? Lmao they’ve widened the search to nearly every metro area between New York and Atlanta
We’re looking for a man with a charming smile somewhere in North America. If you’ve seen anyone smiling on the east coast please call 1(800)BOOT-LIK
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The shooter was always in Canada. They had really good aim
If Eric Adams is speaking, he’s lying
They are basically the Keystone Kops.
More like Kindergarten Kops
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
I wouldn’t do it for 60 million.
you’d* better pay
i thought the idiot mayor of ny leaked that they knew his name but werent releasing it yet.
The fact that each picture of him has been someone different doesn’t give me a lot of faith they know his name lmao.
theres more than one pic? ive only seen this one where hes smilin
I don’t get what the circle is showing.
I have no idea. I stole the photo from a duckduckgo image search, which is an awful way to do things.
you’re a bad person and you should feel bad
Yeah, that one is officially not from him.
And the police has been officially never wrong about it, and has been looking for that one guy to interrogate only, maybe ask where he brought his jacket or something like that.
Here’s a better one. NYPD doesn’t know what the fuck they’re after.
So did this guy have a team of decoys running around with him or did the stars align to explicitly fuck that CEO over? lmao
It’s New York. That look is probably very common. Hence why our hero chose it as a disguise.
Also he probably quickly changed his clothes in central park. So a possible thing is that he also changed his hoodie and had a different mask.
But having four different coats? Hard to believe.
But having four different coats? Hard to believe.
It wasn’t a man, it was 3 kobolds in a trenchcoat, so it’s perfectly plausible
With the goblins in kahoots! My lord we need to set a bountry of 30 gold pieces! Fetch the greatest team consisting of a mage, a fighter, a thief, and some comic relief buffoon who will end up saving the day despite his uselessness throughout the journey up to that point!
And picking 4 jackets that look similar enough for some dumb ai to confuse?
My take is that the cops fed raw surveillance data into their trusty Crime Computer and fully trusted the result. It’s a super common silhouette when the daily high temp is in the 30s. Lol.
Did they ask an AI “are these pictures of the same person?” and went with whatever it said?
Yeah there’s also one from within a bank, but it’s totally a different person
I feel like that’s possibly a prelude to setting up a scapegoat. You can’t let people think he got away with it.
I think that’s entirely possible. If this guy gets away Scott free and people know he did? Expect more attempts at CEO murder.
One t in scot-free.
From Scotland, where there are 3 possible verdicts to a murder trial:
Not Guilty
Not Proven
In the 3rd instance, we may or may not all know you did it, but the State couldn’t prove their case, so you get away scot-free.
Oh no shit eh? I was actually wondering as I typed that what the proper way to spell it was and where it came from. Thanks man!
According to this, it had originally literally meant “exempt from royal tax”:
21st century D.B. Cooper
I hope he never gets caught.
i made a D.B. cooper ai bot on dopple a while ago.
He got caught.
They gotta prove it was him. Also it sucks. Really hard. Like gun charges? What happened? How did they figure? If I did something with a gun like that I’d have to do my best to get rid of the gun (disassemble and destroy the parts first).
He gave the cops a fake ID. That’s probably grounds for searching him.
He was concealing a gun without an LTCF. The supressor isn’t considered a firearm in PA, but I’m going to guess he didn’t have a proper tax stamp for it from the ATF.
I know his name. Muad’Dib!
someone should do a podcast with him and timhouthi chalamet
Impossible. You never see the two of them in the same room at the same time…
Title goes extremely hard
Everyone should spread the word on Jury Nullification. The way society is heading, we’re going to need it sooner or later. It needs to be common knowledge cuz they tend to throw ppl out of court for knowing about it or talking about it.
This. As a juror, you can absolutely vote to not convict someone if you think they’re being prosecuted under an unjust law. Just don’t mention “jury nullification” in front of a judge or prosecutors. They hate that.
Luigi Manigone.
the legend
GoFundMe already shut down his fundraiser. Probably their CEO is nervous.
I hope some way to donate to his defense fund opens up.
I wish I could take his consequences so he could remain free.
I’m a coward that takes the beatings and whinges on the internet, he is a man who won’t accept defeat, even under entrenched oligarch occupation.
I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist, but so many things seem off. Dude’s got an engineering degree, pulled off a cold-blooded assassination in broad daylight and evaded capture for almost a week… And then it turns out he’s an absolute idiot who keeps around a “ghost gun” in public, keeps around the same fake ID he’d used to book into the NYC hostel, and keeps a manifesto on his person?
Part of me thinks this is some rando that’s gonna have to take the fall so that the rest of America believes that the police is all-powerful and can find any criminal. Hell, part of me thinks this perfect suspect is all made up.
While I loathe conspiracy theories…
I expected one of the following:
- He would never be found. (unlikely)
- He would be ‘found’ and ‘take his own life’ before ending up in custody
- He would be ‘found’ but would have fled the country and disappeared.
- He would be found and be a professional who had lost a loved one to UHC
What happened is
- very conflicting to the clear and concise actions we saw in NYC
- very convenient to what they’re looking for, open and shut.
- The pictures they provided weren’t consistent with the footage of the killing
He ditched the bike, had and ditched a backpack, had been there for a week, didn’t think to change clothes? Went through the trouble to get an untraceable gun, didn’t think to ditch the gun?
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That sounds completely plausible. Three letter agencies have ridiculous amounts of intel. They for sure know which building and apartment I’m commenting from and I’m a foreigner on a pseudonymous website. Plus there’s the however-many eyes agreement for when you need to get intel but can’t spy on your own citizens.
Honestly I’m reminded of that time when Russians found that guy with 3 copies of The Sims when the security services were obviously told to find him with 3 sim cards so he’d look extra guilty
if this is the case they’ll probably kill him before it goes to trial.
You mean he’ll hang himself in his cell?
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I can’t imagine it’s particularly difficult to shoot someone, it’s not some work of genius.
It’s pretty surprising he still had the weapon on him though.
It’s easy enough to shoot someone, but that was well planned out beforehand, executed in a way to cause maximum media stir while getting away clean…
And then several days later dude keeps a manifesto AND a ghost gun on him while outside…
The Adjuster
Robin Hoodie.
i heard about the story but i dont know any of the details - why do people like this guy/hate united healthcare ceo can somebody explain?
UHC is top insurance company per the stock market.
UHC denies the most claims costing people their lives who can’t afford medical care out of pocket.
Shooter is praised for pulling an uno reverse card on the UHC CEO by denying them medical care through taking their life.
Also, a lawsuit last year was accusing the company of using AI to automatically deny claims - —
“This is an example of how AI is being utilized not to help people but to line the pockets of corporations and their shareholders,” Clarkson said. When these coverage denials are appealed to federal administrative law judges, about 90% are reversed, the complaint said, demonstrating the “blatant inaccuracy” of the algorithm. Only a tiny fraction of patients appeal the denials at all, Clarkson said.
It’s also important to note that medical bankruptcy is a major cause of suicide in America
Healthcare companies, especially insurance companies, make a living out of denying claims so that people go bankrupt and/or die from denied claims. It’s unethical and downright evil, but they do it anyway. It would be hard not to hate the CEOs of those companies. After all, medical expenses is the leading cause of bankruptcies in USA.
Important to point out this is usually after they’ve been paying for that insurance their whole life.
Do you really need to ask why we hate a health insurance CEO?
yes, i heard insurance is pretty bad in USA but ive just learnt the extent of it thanks to the other user who gave an actual answer to my question
Assassin Hood
Could be Luigi.
Thoughts and prayers for the cops looking for him /s
Guy should just surrender and go to trial. I bet they will find it hard to get 12 person to find him guilty.
They’ll find bootlickers. Lawyers know what they’re doing.
Yeah they do.
yeah like snowden should have just surrendered /s
IIRC, Snowden wasn’t eligible for a jury trial, because he worked for the NSA and, so it they were pushing for a secret court-martial trial. Who knows if Snowden would have actually done it, but I remember he said he would return to the US if it were a jury trial.
yeah. still. guy should not risk it.
He might not survive police custody until trial
Fuck off. If he surrendered he will be killed. There is no way the billionaire class would allow a peasant like us to try to harm them and survive. They will also demonize him and drag him through the mud and claim he is a pedophile rapist who killed for pleasure.
Just put 12 CEO in the jury. Boom. Multi kill.
Juries are specifically selected to avoid people capable of critical thinking, and people knowledgeable about jury nullification.
If it goes to trial his chances are slim. If he knows what’s good from him, he’s already in a foreign country with no extradition treaty, or halfway across the country in a remote section of wilderness laying low for the next few months.