Make no mistake: if you are one of the millions who has paid into this system your whole life, these people are stealing from you.
Then refund my decades of contributions you fucks.
No, don’t ask for that – you’d be playing yourself. They owe you the value of your contributions plus market-rate returns for that whole period (at least 7%, compounded continuously). That’s an absolutely huge difference.
You’re absolutely right!
They just figured out they can say “we won’t do a thing” and then get elected and then do the exact thing and people somehow will blame the Democrats.
Oh man, were just speed running this recommend, aren’t we? It’s weird when people who, fully aware of how the French dealt with this “let them eat cake” bullshit… Actively work to recreate that scenario that didn’t end well for their counter parts
One would think they’d at least wait until the planned concentration camps are built.
This time, they think they have enough of the general populace controlled that they can get away with it. So far, they’ve been proven right every time.
Asked if cuts to Social Security and Medicare would be “on the table” for the DOGE Caucus, Lopez replied, “We’re about to find out.”
Fuck around.
Let the old fucks who overwhelmingly voted for this suffer. Maybe they’re still cognizant enough to realize what they did to themselves
Old people aren’t the only recipients from social security programs.
Fuck that I didn’t vote for this and my disabled ass is still going to be punished for it
Nah, they’ll probably increase the age to receive it and reduce payouts starting just after an election so hopefully everyone that gets screwed forgets about it by the next one.
Where my 2nd Amendment folks at
cowering in their basement vigorously lubing their guns up their ass and begging Trump for more.
You ain’t talking away my retirements, unless you giving me some of yours, you asshats
No worries, I"m sure after the Republicans are done, you’ll never get to retire anyways.
Motherfucking ladder-pullers; pulling up ladders with their wealthy geriatric smiles.
Hey man, ladders are dangerous. They could fall off one and break a hip.
Bullshit! The party of face eating leopards explicitly said they would not eat MY face!
Cut ss, and get the CEO treatment.
> “some cuts”
> the cuts:deleted by creator
That’s not how Social Security works, and it never has worked that way.
SocSec is not a retirement account. It is a program that provides income to people who are retired, and it is funded by payroll withholding from people who have not retired. Prior to SocSec, there was a huge problem with poverty among the elderly, people who were no longer able to work, or not able to work the kind of demanding physical labor they used to. It was then, and is still now, wrong for society to abandon people to poverty when they’re no longer able to work.
It should’ve been a retirement account. It would make it solvent forever. Instead it is a system that depends on ever growing population.
It should have been a proper entitlement instead of worker funded.
If we fund it through general taxes instead of payroll, you have the wonderful effect where everyone is covered and the program can never go insolvent. When population dynamics result in a generation of retirees bigger than the current workforce you just need to change tax rates or deficit spend.
They could also remove the cap on it.
Yeah, but that would hurt the feelings of billionaires.
Yeah, but that would actually fix the problem instead of creating a new one.
401k and IRAs are retirement accounts.
It already is solvent forever. Every year, it collects money from workers and pays it out to retirees. It can do this forever.
It doesn’t depend on an ever growing population. It depends on a certain percentage of people dying before they collect.
If you want it back, you’re going to have to take it back.
This is some real galaxy-brained “populism” in action right here.
Geez you’d expect the Dems to jump on joining this so they can at least provide some oversight
I would imagine because this blue ribbon committee is going to be full of shit ideas, these Republicans aren’t going to take any feedback in a honest fashion, yeah looking at you Moskowitz, and why in the hell would any Democrat want to give them ammo about the absolutely shit ideas as being bipartisan, again looking at you Moskowitz.
Oh there’s no doubt it will be full of shit ideas, but at least if they are involved they can register their opposition to those shit ideas and ensure everything is reported correctly.
How can I stop paying into this system as a US citizen?
Tax resistance