Is there was a software (preferably on Linux) where I can drag and drop to quickly make a website with HTML and CSS and export the resulting code?
I know of a lot of online site that charge a lot of money for this, but I was hoping that an open source software exists for this.
P.S: I want to make a simple static personal website. Possible have a link from where they can download PDF samples of my writing/ literature / creative work.
Maybe Publii?
Definitely Publii, the most polished I’ve tried lately and perfect for simple static websites. Nice app, offline, free/open source.
Hugo, though you didn’t list your “must-haves” so it may not be a great suggestion
This is exactly what you are looking for. You don’t even need to download anything.
Don’t you have to write your own code in Neocities? I don’t remember seeing a drag and drop option when I played with it.
Instead of drag and dropping you can open your HTML+CSS files and copypaste their contents.
Depends, is it a static site? There’s some good projects like this for quickly rolling out something static.
It’s more command-line than click and drop, but maybe it’s close to what you’re looking for?
P.S: I want to make a simple static personal website. Possible have a link from where they can download PDF samples of my writing/ literature / creative work.
Hugo is widely used for static resume sites, so I think this could work for you if you’re familiar with command-line Linux.
Closest thing I know of is Wordpress with a static site export plugin.
There are static site generators like Hugo but they are not a drag and drop editor.
Which static generator do you prefer?
Possibly Odoo . . . ?
This is not just a website builder. It is a entire ERP system…