Combined with general model uncertainty, it seems premature to conclude that far-future-focused actions dominate short-term helping. It’s likely that the far future will still dominate after more thorough analysis, but by much less than a naive future fanatic would have thought.

  • epigone@awful.systemsOP
    7 months ago

    “Don’t for heaven’s sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense.” - ludwig wittgenstein

    no, you just lack training in any intellectual discipline worthy of comment. you’ve got nothing but a racist “protest psychosis” to wield like a cudgel. you’re using jargon medical terms to force your wit around. you’ve got nothing worthwhile to discuss; or what you’re doing is you’re attempting to undermine the legitimacy of this entire subcommunity by pulling on heartstrings to get readership to associate mental illness with outstanding claims, while writing in a personable style with anecdotal associations.

    paid protesting is a thing. we have every reason to assume it here-now in 2023. other than that, schizophrenia is clinically indistinguishable from autism even to trained physicians. you’re acting like you’re doing anybody a favor by pretending to show such cheap care like your words originate from a sincere place. you’re just kicking tires.

      7 months ago

      Wow you are definitely more coherent than my sister so yeah definitely not the same.

      I’m not in any particular care about the legitimacy of your community and basically unaware of its existence even now apparently interacting with it. If you have things you think im trying to accomplish by talking to you, im sure you are mistaken as i really just wanted to have someone explain this nonsense. And have not had it explained yet.

      You swung a lot lf words at me and i dont care. I have nothing to prove to you and wont be able to prove i care. Its ineffable. The concept of me caring cant be proven other than by the act of me taking time to respond again.
      You had a dozen reasons to ignore everything i say and yet none of them are any better than, “because i bet you aren’t real or sincere.” And i get it. To you im just text on a screen in your loneliness, less than a real person.

      I wish you the best on your journey for finding meaning to an existence that has none other than what you make of it. Don’t hurt anyone. Or at least try your best not too. Even yourself.

      • epigone@awful.systemsOP
        7 months ago

        oh can that hubris. it’s because you insist on posturing diagnoses like you are a doctor. now you’re here diagnosing “loneliness” when it is an epidemic. it’s easy for anybody to bandy about cheap epistemic postures when they’re the writing on the wall. what you are [doing] is insincere.