
Thousands of Germans protested the CDU/CSU party for collaborating with the far-right AfD to pass anti-immigration legislation.

The move, seen as a breach of a post-war taboo against extremist parties, sparked outrage and accusations of making AfD extremism socially acceptable.

The CDU/CSU argues the legislation is necessary due to concerns about immigration and recent attacks by individuals who should have been deported.

    1 month ago

    Unbelievable. There is an article about how Germans take to the streets to protest our biggest threat to Democracy and the potential next Nazis-Party and the only thing you say is one of the most racist things I have ever read on here. Shame on you.

      1 month ago

      In the Racist mind the criticism of how their judgement standards and choices of supporting or not a person or State are different depending on the target person’s race, always ends up interpreted as “an attack on a Race” because Racists cannot even begin to conceive the idea that “All humans and their actions should be judged independently of their Race”.

      When a Racist voices criticism of an instance of double-standards depending on Race being used, they are motivated by a desire to attack the Race which benefits from such double standards, so in their minds that must be the reason why other would attack such Race-related double standards and in their Racist minds it’s inconceivable that the criticism could be against any such double standards no matter who benefits and against the entire mental architecture of seeing and judging people as Race-members rather than as human beings,

      In the minds of Racists everything everybody says or does about other people is determined by Race, so criticism of Racism itself is invariably seen as an “attack on a Race” in the mind of the Racist.

      (Aside from this poster’s response to my post, other examples of what I mean can easily be found in how Trump supporters respond to criticism of their Racist actions - their responses often follow exactly the same pattern as the poster above)

      Obviously thanks to their circular logic that “any criticism of Race-based double standards can only be explained as Racism against the Race which benefits from it”, Racists feel no shame about their own Racism, since it justifies itself as a reaction to what they interpret (following said circular logic) as the Racism of critics.

      I weep for Germany and all the Germans who are Humanists rather than Racists: it must be hard living surrounded by so many people whose views on their fellow human beings fit the very same architecture of thinking of people as “first and foremost members of Races”, as the Nazi ideology.