Blumont, a Virginia-based humanitarian aid group responsible for the management of two of Syria’s IS detention camps, al-Hol and al-Roj, was given a stop-work order on 24 January by the US state department.

The camp holds the relatives of suspected IS fighters and is mostly populated by women and children. Rights groups have for years warned that detainees are held arbitrarily without charges in inhumane and substandard living conditions.

No charges have been raised against the camp’s population. Despite this, they are unable to leave, with the exception of non-Syrian detainees whose countries agree to take them back.

  • copandballtorture [ey/em]
    28 days ago

    A few years ago when Trump said we should go after terrorist’s families, liberal darlings clutched their pearls at the proposed human rights violations. Now that Liberal Approved Organization is doing the exact same thing and we point out that it’s bad, we’re running cover for ISIS. Look in the mirror.