It’s not cowardice. It’s complicity.
Do they have an error reporting feature?
Yes. In another thread, several people posted about it.
In maps, select it, drop a pin , and on the right side select more…
And report the name as being incorrect
I reported it with a category of “Water Supplier.”
Yup. Just select the text and the card will have an option.
Kind of? I scrolled all the way down and reported it as “Something missing”
Same, I didn’t see any error reporting feature.
Tens of millions of real live human beings who depended on the $40 Billion in USAID, for safe food, clean water, and medications have already started dying, literally all around the world. Elon Musk and his Nazi twinks were granted full access to the US Treasury where he surely installed backdoors, that will never fully be able to be cleaned without a complete rewrite of the software. I could not give a fuck what anyone calls the fuck gulf of mexico at the moment.
Indeed, it’s a distraction. smh.
I guess if you’re comfortable using homophobic slurs then why not racist renaming…
Twink is just a regular ass word last I checked
Cowards and slower to be a coward than Google. What, they spend time choosing the right font? They certainly didn’t wait to see what the public reaction was and make a decision based on that. It’s one thing to be fist at doing something like that, it’s much much worse to follow a company’s obviously bad idea. F U Apple.
I’d imagine they had a lot of internal pushback so it took longer. Probably an edict/decision from the CEO.
Wow I’m totally shocked whenever capitalists collaborate with fascists. Shocked I tell you!!! \s \s \s
Interesting. I just checked and if I zoom in it says gulf of America, but if I zoom out it still says Gulf of Mexico.
No no no, Trump wanted to call it the Golf of America.
Deleted Apple Maps in favor of Organic Maps at the suggestion of another Lemmy user yesterday. Although it lacks live traffic data, given the lack of centralized userbase location tracking, and scrolling on the map could be a bit smoother at times, I’d rather use it than a platform willing to implement fascist place names.
I’m hoping that toll road avoidance also works better with Organic Maps, since Apple Maps oddly seems unable to give non-toll directions if you accidentally get on a toll road and exit to return to a non-toll routing.
If the left wants to protest, they can always stop using iPhones and Android phones.
Buying a Pinephone when I get a new one
Vichy Apple
I don’t get it guys, it’s so frickin simple:
Still called Gulf of Mexico for me.