Well, I was planning to Medieval Dynasty on PS5, with a friend, but due to PSN outage, couldn’t do that. So, went back to playing Tomb Raider

Played quite a bit of Rise of the Tomb Raider, mostly focused on main story, though did any side stuff I came across, without going out of the way to search for all of them.

Not much new to say about it. Story seems to be nearing end, but I can be often wrong about these, so let’s see. Unless Medieval Dynasty took too much of time, would try to finish this over the weekend.

Started Metroid Prime: Remastered, playing this as my primary game.

It’s fun to play as Samus Arun in a 3D / First Person game. Game is very good, with the usual Nintendo polish, though it does feel dated in some aspects, mainly the map. There is no way to mark anything in the map, and it only shows you doors, so if you come across some blocked or unreachable passage, you can forget where it was. There are multiple such places that I remember seeing somewhere but now that I have the upgrades required, I don’t know where they were.

This also means, it’s not always clear where to go next.

Another thing is that doors require different weapons to open, it makes sense for the first time, but you need to that everytime, so when going back and forth, you often have to keep changing your weapons to open door, then change it to fight the enemies, then change it again to open the next door. It’s not a big deal, but still a minor complaint.

That aside, I am enjoying the game, the visuals, sound and gameplay itself is good. I have gotten all visors and weapons (got the last one just a little while ago), there are probably still some other stuff left to get.

I hope they release Prime 2 and 3 remastered too. Would love to play the whole trilogy before Prime 4 drops.

So, what about all you? What have you been playing?

  • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Finished Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist!

    What an amazing game. A massive improvement in almost all areas over Ender Lilies, which was already a damn good metroidvania.

    I love most things about it, starting with near perfection in all technical aspects - flawless controls, beautiful visuals and music, and stable 60fps performance on the Switch. Exploration is an absolute joy with the main movement upgrades (dash and double-jump) getting unlocked early in the game alongside with a well designed open world where you almost always have multiple paths to explore.

    Another great thing is how this game respects your time, making backtracking as painless as possible. Fast travel between save points is unlocked early and the map lets you know when a room was fully explored so you can try to find as much as possible in your first run though. The map is also quite detailed including information on whether or not you have the abilities required to open a specific door and even the basic platform layout of each room, making it easy to tell if you are ready to traverse it or not.

    Combat is really good with a lot of different loadouts to experiment with, though the balance between combat abilities is uneven with some abilities being far better than others. And my one big issue with the game is also related to combat - I hate the system of having a weak protagonist that dies in 2-3 hits combined with a bunch of healing items. But I know that’s popular among games in this genre, and I knew what I was getting into when I purchased this one so I can’t complain much about it.

    I highly recommend this game, easy 9/10 and a must-play for fans of this genre.

    Playing Fantasian Neo Dimension!

    Resumed this one after finishing Ender Magnolia. Doing good progress and I’m still having fun with it, but I have to pace myself to avoid getting burnt due to the high random battle frequency and difficulty on bosses, so I’ve been aiming for shorter sessions doing only 1-2 quests.

    Since the second half is mostly open-world it’s hard to say how far I am in the game. I do have the “Communication Network” area unlocked which seems to be the path to the final boss, but it’s recommending level 50 which is 5 or so above what I am right now, so I guess I should still go exploring and sidequesting more in preparation for it.

    Playing Rabi-Ribi!

    Current side-game, a very cute metroidvania which comes with high praise from fans of the genre. Only played a little bit and finished the prologue since I’m focused on Fantasian right now.

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      23 days ago

      It’s always nice when a game respects your time. And it’s great to see the advances and improvements people are making in the genre. Would love to (eventually) play both Ender games.

      I have heard about Rabi-Ribi. Just looking at the screenshots I may have ignored the game, but have heard good things about it. They made another similar game after it TEVI, and are apparently working on a direct sequel to Rabi-Ribi now.

      • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        It’s always nice when a game respects your time.

        Definitely. And while writing that I was thinking that main I issue I have with Fantasian is that a lot of things in the second half of the game feel designed in a way that wastes your time.

        High random battle frequency with low rewards, gimmicky bosses which you often have to fight twice, constant need to shuffle around in menus rebuilding your party with different skills/equipments to be able to work around those gimmicks.

      • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        Double-posting since I forgot to add this to my initial post, but I replayed Metroid Prime when the Switch port was released and I was quite impressed. Yeah, it has some outdated aspects like the map, but it’s kinda crazy how well it plays considering it’s more than 20 years old. The port is also really impressive, one of the best looking games on the console while also running smoothly at 60FPS.

        But my favorite thing about the game is the atmosphere. It nails perfectly the feeling of a lonely explorer in a wild, dangerous planet.

        • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
          22 days ago

          Agreed, even with the issues the game is a joy to play. That is why it makes me excited for next games in the series!

  • MisterDeutsch@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    I finished Great Ace Attorney 2 and it made me super mad that that my time with Sholmes and Wilson is over. I hope they produce another two games. The way they set up dominos in the first game to knock them down in the second was excellent.

    I haven’t purchased Picross S8 yet because I know I have too much on my unfinished shelf to buy a podcast-binging accessory. Maybe I’ll buy it when my Spring Break is over so that I don’t get sucked into it and spend all of my student-free time putting together pixel puzzles.

    I dived back into Xenoblade Chronicles 3 after y’all’s comments about the DLC. I’m working on my New Game+ run before I play the DLC because I’m so rusty in the combat. It’s been fun picking it up, running half a kilometer toward the objective, and then putting the system to sleep. Even if I only get five minutes of play, it reminds me why that was my game of the year.

    New story dropped in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent yesterday, so I expect to go through my morning coffee slowly exploring Solista.

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      22 days ago

      How far along are you in NG+? Are you going to do all the side content again? Or just the main quests?

      • MisterDeutsch@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        I’m still in tutorial mode. I just relearned how to cook and craft!

        I had a real Aha! Moment in a flashback. The scenery from Noah’s early years is a location you visit later. I never put that together before. I hope that was general enough to avoid spoiling anything.

        I wish I was just doing all the main quests. I can’t control my urge to empty my quest list. I’m proud when I don’t walk off the path to get collectibles I don’t need.

        My main urge in the game is to unlock every class for every character.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafe
    23 days ago

    Will try to squeeze in a 1v4 game of aoe4 against easy bots. Assuming kid goes to sleep early enough :)

    Would love to get better to increase the difficulty, but a few matches a week just isn’t enough 😮‍💨

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      23 days ago

      I recently got AoE 4 and lost by 1v1 Intermediate bot. Maybe I should try easy next time.

      I used to play lots of AoE 2 in my younger days, and while I wasn’t great, I wasn’t that bad either. It’s humbling to see that I can’t even beat intermediate bot now.

  • De_Narm@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    I keep repeating myself like a broken record, but I’m still on Witcher 3!

    I’ve made a lost of progress since last time, completing the remaining main story starting from one of the first main quests in Skellige. Apparently it does go by quite fast if you’ve done literally every side quest available to that point.

    This week I’ll get into Heart of Stone. I’ve done the frog prince fight already and I gotta say: It’s been such a massive improvement in terms of boss fights, you start to wonder why they have been so bland before.

    Also, once again after doing every quest I found, it was kinda funny to fully upgrade the Runewright out of pocket - I’ve heard people complain about that one.

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      22 days ago

      Hehe, no worries, there are many games that take me months to finish, so I keep mentioning them every week for a long time.

      Good luck with the remaining game!

  • ApollosArrow@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    I’m usually playing a Zelda game since they’ve stacked up. Jumping back in Age of Calamity now that I finished Echoes of Wisdom. Hopefully I finish it before the next Zelda game comes out.

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      22 days ago

      I played most of Age of Calamity, but never finished them. It was my first warriors game and really enjoyed it.

      • ApollosArrow@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        The endless button mash games are not my favorite, but I want to play all Zelda games. I had trouble getting through the first warriors game and for sure did not bother unlocking all the extra characters.

  • Xed@lemm.ee
    22 days ago

    I’ll be playing Mario and Luigi dream team for the 3ds this weekend. For some reason, I never played this game when I got it back then. It’s alittle weird that the sprites are now fuzzy but other than that, the game has been fun to play. I’ve been missing the old Mario and Luigi games. Then I will try to mod my 3ds at some point soon

    • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
      20 days ago

      They should release some of the older Mario & Luigi games on NSO. I would like to try them out some day.

  • LilBagOfBunnies@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    I’ve been jumping back into the second Pokemon Scarlet DLC! Trying to take on the E4 at Blueberry Academy and finding it extremely difficult despite playing Pokemon since Blue version came out. I’m accustomed to single battles and the double battles have caught me entirely off guard - I need to go back to the drawing board and focus my team around different mechanics!

    Or just grind EXP candies and brute force it. We’ll see!

    • kusttra@lemmy.world
      22 days ago

      Yeah - it really caught me off guard. After getting stomped by a couple of the Kitakami Ogre Club members, I decided to build a new, EV-trained team, which I don’t generally do. I assumed, based on the levels in Kitakami, that we would be at around 80, but that unfortunately put me over leveled. The double battle surprise caught me off guard, but my level difference allowed me to out-muscle pretty much everyone. Until I got to the steel type E4 - she and her very unexpected strategy almost completely wrecked me. Wellspring Mask Ogrepon was my last fighter, and just barely managed to take out her last 2 mons - it was wild.

  • kusttra@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    Still slowly working on the second half of the Pokemon Scarlett DLC, The Indigo Disk. I’ve really enjoyed show rolling these - spending a bunch of time just wandering around to see what Pokemon show up (especially in the terrarium), doing a bunch of random Tera Raids, and building EV trained teams. I’ve even caught 3 or 4 half-odds shinies as I’ve been wandering.

    I am also working on my first couple games of Civilization 7. So far, I’m really enjoying it. Yeah, there are information presentation issues and a couple bugs, but I expected all of that when I bought it. This is a Civ title in launch, after all - 5 & 6 launched basically the same way. 7 does have some more issues with the UI than was normal previously, but that obviously stems from it being designed to support consoles. I fully expect those to mostly be ironed out in the next few months

    • MisterDeutsch@lemmy.world
      22 days ago

      I don’t have a computer that will run Civ VII. After almost 10,000 hours in 5 and 6 combined, I know I’ll play one day. Are you playing on Switch? I worry if I buy it on Switch it’ll be worse than waiting until I upgrade my desktop next year (especially with Switch 2 scheduled to take over my gaming some time this year).

      • kusttra@lemmy.world
        22 days ago

        I got it on PC. I have pretty successfully played it in a pretty low-spec PC - GTX 970. It was at medium graphics, and the computer couldn’t play other videos at the same time, but it was still pretty solid.