Top US and Russian officials have agreed to continue planning an end to the Ukraine war and to pursue closer cooperation amid concerns in Kyiv and across Europe that Donald Trump could push for a settlement favouring Vladimir Putin.
I don’t know why did you share a apple news link, but here is the guardian article link:
Sorry, IDK why it’s apple news, didn’t realize it when I copied. I’ll fix it. Thanks for the link.
and surely giving them
the SudetenlandEastern Ukraine will ensure peace in our time, yeah, I’ve heard this joke before.I think one overlooked aspect of this sad affair is age: Trump is 78, Putin is 72 and Zelensky is 47.
Frankly what this looks like is two geriatric boomers beating the gen-X kid because they’re mean old men with power that have this shared bond and the kid isn’t part of the club.
No, this is two wolves and a sheep talking about what to have for dinner, and not even pretending to involve the sheep.
Trump paying putin for “How to be an Authoritarian” lessons by Venmo-ing him Ukraine as payment.
Trump? A russian lap dog? Who would’ve thought…
The treason continues.
So all those sanctions…? Wtf