Not as inefficient as the ungodly sums of money these parasites have sucked out of the US economy to fund their obscenely wealthy lifestyles and attacks on democracy to suck more money out of tax payers by gutting our social programs so they can give the top 1% yet another handout.
Didn’t JP Morgan accept a bailout from the “inefficient US government” in 2008 because they let greed get in the way of sustainability? I’m pretty sure they did.
In case you’d like to read more about what an absolute asshole this guy is:
Jamie Dimon’s $13 Billion Secret—Revealed
JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon deposed over bank’s Jeffrey Epstein ties
JPMorgan to pay US Virgin Islands $75m to settle Epstein lawsuit
Will Anyone Hold Jamie Dimon Responsible for the London Whale Scandal?
The Crumbling Cult of Jamie Dimon
JPMorgan executive calls for ‘more hustle’ after return to office mandate
Jamie Dimon needs to be done.
Jamie Dimon is a financial terrorist.
Cocaine and sex trafficking are just some of the specialties of JP Morgan.
Ship seized in $1.3 billion cocaine bust is owned by JP Morgan Chase
JP Morgan Chase has reached settlements with the US Virgin Islands and former executive Jes Staley to resolve lawsuits over its alleged dealings with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. It will pay $75m to the territory, which alleged the bank facilitated Epstein’s sex trafficking ring.Sep 26, 2023
Jamie Dimon saying a thing is a good idea is how you know you’re being fucked in the ass, raw.
Janie Dimon needs to meet my boy, Louie G
 Yeah sure government’s inefficient, and too big to make changes, but making horrible decisions without any supporting evidence to indicate that your cuts are actually going to save money is also inefficient.
If somebody had posted a research study indicating exactly which positions needed to be eliminated and then was transparent about exactly how much money we would save and came up with a plan about how the work was going to be done after cutting said jobs. I don’t think anybody would complain as much