That’s $96,000 per layed off worker
This is the same douche canoe that was the CEO of Chipotle and denied that the serving sizes were getting smaller and told people to just harass the worker making the food if they thought their serving size was to small.
There’s absolutely no way he’s adding enough value compared to Joe MBA to justify that compensation.
That’s what I’m trying to do understand as well. What’s the explanation for these kinds of things? What’s the actual sequence of events and how conditions that lead to these things? Why would the board approve of this kind of compensation?
“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”
Starbucks gives the new CEO a $96 million bonus, then a month later, lays off 1,000+
workersPotential Luigis.FTFY.
Cap the maximum compensation gap (including bonuses and stocks) between the highest paid and lowest paid person in a company at 1000:1. Any overpay goes into a UBI account that pays out equally to all.
Should be 30 :1 on whichever is lower average or median salary and contractors count if they perform core business functions/work on location.
I don’t get it. We did not let kings and lords and counts keep their belongings. Why are we treating this scum any different?
In the time of kings and lords, it got way, way worse than this.
Not saying we should wait that long now, just saying.
Had to get the money from somewhere. Just like Trump. Fire a bunch of workers for the tax cut payments to billionaires. Like clockwork.
Friendly reminder, comrades: There is no such thing as a good billionaire. From the East to the West, they are humanity’s enemy.
Boycott what you don’t like. Vote with your money.
Haven’t spent money in a Starbucks for over a decade…nor fast food chains, nor Walmart.
Did do a few Amazon purchases a few years ago and I still feel guilty about it.
Don’t use Starbucks anymore. It’s American
Don’t use Charbucks anymore. It’s shit coffee
So he literally stole their salaries. We can’t put up with millionair ceos anymore, it needs to be outlawed…
There ain’t no smile in those eyes. Creepy AF.
Mr. Beast smile
You have to be willing to exploit your fellow humans to get where he is. Either you don’t have a soul to start with or it gets torn to bits every step you take up the ladder.
I’ve known people like that. I’ve been very close to people like that. It’s crazy, everywhere they look they’re looking for some win/something they can take. They never feel guilty. Honestly, the only thing they feel is betrayal when someone won’t bend the knee.
That’s my little observation.
Sad thing is, they still have people who love them but they aren’t truly capable of reciprocating. Everything is transactional and they always expect it to be profitable for them. The only thing that truly hurts them is when it isn’t profitable. It sucks being caught in their orbit too. Believe me.
My brother was a sociopath, unsuccessful in business but a user and abuser.
I have spent most of my life dealing with a successful sociopath. Thing is, at times it really looks like he means well.
It’s a constant battle in my head. Is it just his belief system? Is it just that he views everyone else as incompetent?
I constantly find myself making excuses for him because I love him. I get angry and I’m able to really look at everything sometimes, or he does something really shitty to someone else. Like recently, he wanted to buy tires for his son. Great, right? But he had to find a way to make it a tax write off or he didn’t want to do it. He got his daughter a car, but with the condition that her mother couldn’t drive it under any circumstances. And it had to be a flood damaged car. Good deals with the salvage titles and all.
He finally caved and sent his son money when I guilt tripped him, but he was mad for weeks about it. He’s probably still fuming. Mom ended up buying his daughter a car she couldn’t afford on credit and he gave the one he bought her to his girlfriend.
He ended up buying his son used tires because he couldn’t work it out to get the write off without sending a check and he didn’t trust him with it (with no reason to feel that way).
He built a cabin with his step brother in the 80s. They both poured blood, sweat, and tears into it. He had the money so he technically owned it, but it was understood that it was theirs with no strings attached.
When it was completed he informed him that he was welcome to use it any time he wanted, so long as his mother never stepped foot through the door. Naturally his step brother said “fuck that”, took the L and never went back.
I don’t know I’m doing dealing with it. Emotions are weird.
I understand, my brother only ever fucked over everyone else except me (probably because he knew what would happen) and it was an ever frustrating thing. I miss him but I think it’s for the best that he isn’t around to do more damage.
What ended up happening to him? Was it drugs that stopped him from being successful enough to really hurt people?
Sorry to say it like that. That’s just been my experience.
He got hopped up on coke and booze and tried to kill a random driver with one of his beloved guns and they ran him down.
So weird to pay someone that much.
I don’t know why people think large companies aren’t allowed to get rid of people when they want to? And especially Starbucks, it’s shit-work, not a 20y long career maker.
Do you keep a list of workers or jobs who you feel are beneath you and don’t deserve enough money to support themselves with basic essentials like food, water, or shelter?
Why would I do that.
Let me translate that rhetorical question for you:
Why do you believe society should allow certain businesses to remain in existence, when those businesses utilize human labor, yet do not pay enough for human laborers to subsist?
I don’t believe that, you’ve just attached that to my argument because you either can’t understand my point or don’t want to.
It’s not like individual locations determined they’re overstaffed or something. The CEO is just blanket firing people because it makes some numbers look more gooder on some spreadsheet.
Oh so that’s their reason is it, make number look good, company be strong.
It wouldnt be because of your idiot president causing a recession where more people wont be able to afford to buy coffee as often? You dont think that could be a contributing factor?
To the company it is “an adjustment.” To those people, it can be a devastating loss of healthcare, of the money they use to pay for food and shelter, and even an identity crisis. Starbucks has all sorts of positions, ranging from seasonal part time employees, to store management that gets paid pretty well, to corporate employees that presumed they were in 20y career trajectories. Every single one of them deserves better than losing their job just to pay for a big bonus for one guy.
It’s not about whether they are allowed or not. It’s that actions should have consequences but the modern corporate structure has so divorced leadership from the consequence of their actions that this is normal. Let me rephrase: Hurting people to pump your personal wealth is not just normal, it’s expected. That’s sick.
Lol, okay, blame starbucks all you want, it’s a faceless entity. You could be mad at the politicians who set you up to instantly fall into desperation the moment you lose a minimum wage job, but if you want to be mad and ineffectual at the same time, be my guest.
I don’t understand why you think it’s either/or? I didn’t say, “Starbucks is solely to blame” or anything of the sort. It’s incredibly stupid that living requires an employer, and that’s something we need to fix, but as long as it does they should act and be treated like they have the ethical responsibility they’ve been given.
Maybe you should stop giving people free passes for psychopathy just because it’s within the law.
There’s a fucking recession coming you dolt, ofcourse large companies are going to dump people, and it doesnt take a psychopath to do it.
Your hearts in the right place, but if you cant be realistic about the why and how of running a business, i dont want your opinions.
96 million could pay the salaries of basically 2000 baristas
Probably how they determined the amount of the bonus. His idea, he got a cut.