Both times Trump won was when a woman was running against him. The only time he lost was to a white old man.
USA is just sexist and Americans better come to terms with it rather than making up random reasons.
Basically if Tim Walz was the presidential candidate he probably would have won.
This! Kamala is a black woman. She was never going to win. When asked if they would rather win or be right, they chose being right. They live on denial on how sexist and racist their country is.
Dems aren’t going to nominate anybody without a long record of violence.
Correlation is not causation. We elected Obama who was one of the youngest presidents in US history first term. Also he was Black. I’m not saying the country is sexist, but I am saying both the female candidates that made it the general election, ran on dog shit platforms of “more of the same”
“my vote won’t change anything”, “i don’t like any of them”, “that won’t affect me”, call leopards for those 36%
This is true of every election except maybe one.
Nobody always wins. The “winner” is always elected by a tiny minority. It’s a fundamentally corrupt system. Always has been. Literally concocted by genocidal slavers.
Congrats USA, you just signed the death of my two cultures: First Nations and French Canadian. Your dictator will crush us like he does with every minorities and his maga army are already enjoying it. I hope you enjoy the new world, owned by and at the service of the 1% and the privilege-ass white boys.
I need to mention that the reason why 20 million fewer voters voted is. Because of the massive voter suppression that was done prior to the 2024 election. So many people were purged from voters rolls and many polling places were closed it wasn’t funny.
While I’m sure that was part of it, a lot of people didn’t vote for other reasons as well. Someone I know who you would probably consider “left” didn’t vote at all because of Harris supporting Israel (I’m aware trump is worse for Palestinians), and I know a bunch of other people I’ve spoken to online also didn’t vote at all for the same reason.
Plus I suspect a lot of other previous Biden voters didn’t vote at all for similar reasons, like possibly all party’s are owned by the rich.
Bottom line, a class war is needed to get the rich in check.
Unfortunately, if they didn’t vote, they have no right to complain when shit blows up in their face. I don’t feel represented by basically any candidate in my home country, Canada, or where I live, the UK. I still participate and vote for the person closest to what I’d like to see. If you don’t participate, you don’t get to bitch.
Not a mandate, but voter’s apathetic acceptance.
Let’s get a count of all of the votes that were tossed due to targeted voter registration purges.
I also would like to see that.
pfff… he won twice. if americans would want a real democracy that wouldnt have happened.
It turns out politics is very complex and difficult to manage.
Yeah. American here. It’s generally the case that the president gets votes from a minority of the population. Nothing new there. Unfortunately those of us who live here can see that the support for this monster is very real.
How gross it is, considering what was in the line that so many didn’t vote. Also I bet the duck he cheated.
He 100% cheated.
Ah yes there was someone saying 1 in 2 people voted for Trump and yeah nope…
Those who didn’t vote, who thought their vote didn’t matter, that no matter which politician gets elected to whatever office… they’re complicit.
The most complicit are the genocidal wackos who nominated a cop/prosecutor that campaigned to the cheyneys.
Nobody should be shamed into voting for trash.
If you live in a blue state and didn’t vote, how are you complicit?
The only significantly statically impactful group of “non voters” is the population that was unable to or inconvenienced heavily by voting.
Meaning the major majority of voters that didn’t vote were either unable to because of other obligations (work, childcare, etc) with a small subset of that being people that were no motivated enough to deal with the inconvenience of visiting a poll line (4hours in line) after a 10 hour shift.
These are the vast vast majority of people that did not show up. Beyond that an even smaller percentage was the "protest voters’ that even if 100% of which went to Harris she still would have lost.
I guess I just want to say “in conclusion” that the vast majority of voters that didn’t vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
I think we should spend less time blaming voters and more time being critical of the politicians and party that gives zero reason for the working class to “risk” their shift for.
No one’s gonna “risk a shift” for the policies and messaging that Harris communicated. You don’t get people to “risk their shift” for voting for a lesser evil.
the population that was unable to or inconvenienced heavily by voting.
Voting early or by mail was available to:
-California: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Colorado: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-D.C.: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Hawaii: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Nevada: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-New Jersey
-New Mexico
-New York
-North Carolina
-North Dakota
-Oregon: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Rhode Island
-South Dakota
-Utah: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Vermont: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Washington: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-WyomingI’m not saying people don’t have tough lives, but it has been made pretty available to a lot of people at this point.
Note that there’s some asterisks on there.
Some of those states require you to get your ballot notarized and/or signed by witnesses. Incidentally this opens the door for voter intimidation since your witness is likely to be a spouse.
Also, you have scenarios like NC where they are trying to retroactively toss ballots that were counted, and mail in opens the door for “something wasn’t quite proper about the ballot, discard it”.
If you absolutely, positively, can not vote in person at all, then try your luck with mail in ballots, but if at all possible vote in person if you want the best chance for your vote to count.
I lived in a few different states and I’ve never lived some place where folks didn’t have 30 days to vote early and in person. I’m NOT talking about mail in whatever. 30 days! Just drop by. Not crowded. Not a big deal.
Sometimes i get the feeling that voting on a tuesday is working as expected: to keep working an poor people from voting…
Germany has voting per defintion only on sundays, and (at least where i live) the voting booths are everywhere. You can vote either per mail, or from 8:00 to 18:00 at a booth, and i never had to wait in a line to vote, and i’m in my 40s
No it’s the voters fault. Never forget. \s
Dw in canada the voter turn out is 18 percent.
I guess I just want to say “in conclusion” that the vast majority of voters that didn’t vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
This is a very clear and succinct description of something I’ve been struggling to articulate for years. Affluent liberals can tell their boss they’re taking a long lunch to vote, and they don’t understand why shift workers don’t do the same.
I really appreciate your comment, because here we are months later and still a lot of folks don’t seem to be getting the big picture.
Maybe they need someone to blame other than the GOP, and folks who didn’t vote are the easiest target.
Other countries vote on Sundays, US could do the same.
Also mail in voting exists.
But yes, big brain move to not vote or vote some third party.
Nah bigger brain is telling ppl neo liberalism is better then conseravitsm. “If im poor at least I’m not them”. Why you think most of the world is conservative?
You have no problem with what your democrats does to foreigners, you just dont want to be bother to have to fight fascism at home. You suck. You are inherently supremacist, to the point you don’t even notice, and thus no better than some maga idiot.
I got a mail in ballot because I knew I wouldn’t have time to make it on Voting Day
Of course, in-person early voting is a safer bet.
Mailing in your ballot puts it at a significantly higher chance of being discarded.
not everyone lives in that kind of state here in the UnUnited States of America
Almost all of us do
I voted, and my vote definitely did not matter. Nor will it until we completely overhaul the election system, getting rid of the electoral college and first past the post. I don’t think that’s going to happen either until politicians acquire enough fear to offset their greed.
deleted by creator
Your biden sent the bombs that killed my friend in lebannon.
I hate americans lol. How does your own medecine taste like bitch?
So 68.1% of the American public are complicit. Worse than I thought TBH. Fuck.
Complicit with genocide? That’s everybody who voted actually.
Yeah, these numbers are generally brought up to “show” how weak Trump support is. But, what I see is that leftists are not a majority, even among people that give a damn. So, if leftists are going to make any progress, they need to take concrete actions with whoever they can agree with for that project, instead of attacking other leftists (because they didn’t vote e.g.) and going no-contact with everyone that’s not as ideologically pure as yourself.
We have to build consensus and lead by example before we can win at the polls.
The mistake here is assuming that the dems are left.
Democrats arent leftists. Left of the the republicans isn’t the same as being a leftist, and voting for democrats doesn’t make you a leftist.
In the US it’s legal for corporations to create propaganda outlets which stream nonstop lies designed to get sensitive individuals to vote fascists. It’s impossible to have democratic elections and have completely disinformed and propagandized voters. Yet even after killing hundreds of thousands of conservative voters the courts have sided with the propaganda outlets.
Yeah, no, that’s not how that works. We’ve got the electoral college, remember? There were 20 states that went blue. Any additional votes to Harris in those states wouldn’t have made Trump win less, refraining to vote in those states ultimately didn’t matter. You need to look at the percentage of people that didn’t vote in states that went red. But I get it, its easier to blame everyone who didn’t vote than to use critical thought.
Yeah, pretending that it wasn’t a landslide is a grand delusion.
“Yeah, pretending that it was
n’ta landslide is a grand delusion.”FTFY
This and a similar result in last years UK election is why we need to go the Australian route and make voting compulsory.
The UK government won a landslide with just 15% of the electorate actually voting for a Labour MP. But because we have a broken system they have a huge majority.
Australian voting isn’t just mandatory. It’s a two-party preferential system. If you vote for a minor party or independent, your vote ultimately goes toward one of the two largest parties. No vote is a throwaway.
Two party systems are as dangerous as voting Labour. Fortunately thanks to Labours disastrous term so far we now have three viable parties theoretically capable of winning the next election. Which is coming sooner than people realise. Probably 2026, possibly this year.
Two party preferential is not the same as two party.
A lot of elected reps needed preferences from other candidates in order to make 50% of the vote. Those reps know where their bread us buttered.
You are talking shit.
I believe that people that do not want to vote or do not feel particularly strongly about politics should be free to stay home. They might not know much about politics. Wouldn’t you rather have people vote who are actually invested into politics and come to vote because they actually want to? Also, I do not think it is ok to force people to participate in democracy in suvh a manner.
Just because you reckon your party would have won if you forced people to vote, does not mean it should be done.
It’s true that mandatory voting nets a lot of low information voters. It also encourages a lot of people to check the major party’s policies who otherwise wouldn’t bother.
I’m not aware of low information voters swaying the vote one way or another.
By making voting mandatory, it becomes mandatory for everyone to have an opportunity to vote.
In what country do people not have the opportunity to vote? Even if that is the case, why not just make the voting accessible without forcing people to vote?
I just don’t see the point.
You don’t see the point in telling citizens to take an interest?
Ok mate.
It seems to me that there is a difference between telling someone to take and interest and forcing them to vote even though they do not care to do that on their own.
While I agree in principle I don’t think that would necessarily change the results in this case as labour was the best mainstream option in that case. The conservatives had messed up badly and lost public confidence, bleeding votes to both Labour and Reform.
Labour are NEVER an option. We don’t need their hard left Orwellian hell state they are creating. It was all there for people to see during the election. But every voice that warned they were lying about almost everything in their manifesto (mine included) were silenced by being slapped with the “far-right” label. A label that Labour use to describe ANY criticism aimed at them. Why? Because it sounds scary, it works and keeps people scared of change.
You think that Labour are hard left? They literally kicked out all the actual communists and other far left people years ago. I don’t think you have ever seen what real far-left organizations look like or believe - I actually used to be a member of one some time ago if you wanted to ask. You’re either misinformed or a lot further right than you claim. It doesn’t surprise me people are applying that label to you given what you have just come out with.
Hitler got about 33% back when he started. He achieved his position by simply ignoring the law after that. Sounds familiar?
So they reformed the state after ww2, right?
No such change here. People literally swear their lives to “defending” the olde slavermaster pact.
As a brit I have found it fascinating how American and British politics seem to mirror each other. This is exactly the same argument that was levelled against Brexit. The stats the TV showed was 51% vs 49% in favour of Brexit but only 60% of the country voted and with this teeny tiny majority of voters the Conservatives enacted a massive constitutional change and causes absolute havoc which we are still paying for today.
We’ve since voted out the party that caused it but it landed us with an ineffective centrist Labour party who are continuing the mistakes of the past and not appealing to the left in the slightest (sound familiar?). This government still has 4 more years left in power but unless they change tack then I am very worried that we will have a extreme right version of the Conservatives in power next election.
The problem is the First Past The Post voting system. It’s not true democracy. It’s weighted to the right. Two parties, both in the pocket of big business. One who says “Oh, we’d love to help all you poors but it’s really not possible to increase taxes on the rich and invest in our country”, and the other who says “you’ll be poor but at least you’re not gonna get deported or persecuted like those gay and brown people”.
TLDR: Both the US and the UK need urgent electoral reform. Write to your representative. Make it an issue. Do not stop until it is a number one priority for these ghouls or they will keep fucking us.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk. Goodnight.
This is exactly the same argument that was levelled against Brexit.
In many, many concrete and specific ways Brexit was a test-run for trump. Same people, same money, same goals.
This government still has 4 more years left in power
You don’t honey think Kier Stalin and Rachel from accounts will survive the full 5 year term do you?
As for voting reform. We need proportional representation and compulsory voting like the Australians do it. Unfortunately no sitting government will bring in those changes because it will make it harder for them to be re elected.
Remember we had a referendum on it in 2011and because outlets like the BBC opposed it then intentionally made it sound convoluted and confusing to stop it from happening.
Unfortunately, Stamer has a massive majority and can therefore only be ousted by his own party, which he has fairly effectively (so far) brought to heel. The only issue that he is being challenged on is the benefits freeze for disabled people but I expect he will walk that back in the not too distant future to make it look like he’s listening.
I completely agree about the voting reform. It will be an uphill battle but it’s not impossible. The UK has changed so much since 2011 the Tories have bled the UK dry and this Labour party are as left wing as David Cameron. It’s getting the message across to the Gen Zers and younger that voting reform is the way forward rather than letting people like Nigel Fuckface control the narrative.