‘Our nurses, teachers, firefighters, librarians ... are not, as the world’s richest man implies, genocidal murderers,’ fires back angry union president
Took you guys over a decade to get here.
Thank you for listening to me and mocking me and calling me a ludite because I hated Elon Musk and everything he represented.
Also, visit Thunderfoot’s youtube channel, apologise and thank him for his activism.
Why do you feel so positive about Thunderf00t? The guy is supposed to be a physicist and does not even think about the squared cube law. He got full of his own shit once he became popular many years ago.
you gotta be joking, thunderf00t is among the most unbearable, ignorant, most self-assured assholes going. he harassed random women for having opinions he disagreed with for years.
i’m european, i used to be a fan of thunderf00t too. but he became really really bad, he was an alt-right troll for awhile, and only really split from the rest of the pack because they didn’t agree with him about brexit.
he is a pathetic, ignorant, quote-mining bigot who should be completely forgotten. being right about elon musk is a stopped clock being right twice a day situation. there are plenty of other channels which did a far better job of pointing out elon’s grifts without also posting 3,000 videos about how anita sarkeezian is the anti-christ
Took you guys over a decade to get here. Thank you for listening to me and mocking me and calling me a ludite because I hated Elon Musk and everything he represented. Also, visit Thunderfoot’s youtube channel, apologise and thank him for his activism.
Why do you feel so positive about Thunderf00t? The guy is supposed to be a physicist and does not even think about the squared cube law. He got full of his own shit once he became popular many years ago.
You’re so right. You saw Elon for what he was when literally every other person on earth thought he was awesome until 2 months ago.
*Anthem plays
Thank you for your recognition of my keyboard warriorship service.
Who here exactly stood up for Elon musk? I came to Lemmy almost two years ago and I haven’t seen it here
you gotta be joking, thunderf00t is among the most unbearable, ignorant, most self-assured assholes going. he harassed random women for having opinions he disagreed with for years.
US american, right?
i’m european, i used to be a fan of thunderf00t too. but he became really really bad, he was an alt-right troll for awhile, and only really split from the rest of the pack because they didn’t agree with him about brexit.
he is a pathetic, ignorant, quote-mining bigot who should be completely forgotten. being right about elon musk is a stopped clock being right twice a day situation. there are plenty of other channels which did a far better job of pointing out elon’s grifts without also posting 3,000 videos about how anita sarkeezian is the anti-christ