They are currently doing their damnedest to collapse the US economy, it’s entirely possible that a simple recession let alone a depression could collapse the federal government. This would make their billions monopoly money and make them easy pickings, the ravens would feast.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it. But they have so much power and money and military that they could declare martial law and lock it all down before that. They own things other than money: property, supplies, land. Yes, hungry people would go after that, but this isn’t the French Revolution. The weapons of the elite are much more powerful now.
Volkswagen did okay. Mind you, only after Hitler’s empire had collapsed and Hitler himself had eaten a bullet.
Elon, if you’re listening…
I can’t wait till the whole lot of these billionaire parasites get what’s coming to them. They are a plague on humanity.
Yeah don’t wait for that. You’ll only be disappointed.
They are currently doing their damnedest to collapse the US economy, it’s entirely possible that a simple recession let alone a depression could collapse the federal government. This would make their billions monopoly money and make them easy pickings, the ravens would feast.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it. But they have so much power and money and military that they could declare martial law and lock it all down before that. They own things other than money: property, supplies, land. Yes, hungry people would go after that, but this isn’t the French Revolution. The weapons of the elite are much more powerful now.
Geez … easy, bro.
We’re not saying you can’t enjoy it, alright! But if you start perving on the violence, don’t think we’re not gonna take notice, okay?
Not a call to violence, but while correlation doesn’t mean causation… Well.
History rhythms and we’re impatient for the verse to end.