Basically what it says on the can: why do you use weed? Are you a purely recreational user? Do you use for medical purposes, with or without a prescription? Do you use for a mental health condition? We’re all probably some blend of these. What’s your use case?

Personally, I do use cannabis medicinally to help me sleep. Neither weed nor melatonin cuts it alone, but weed and quick dissolve melatonin is just the right thing. I also use for recreational purposes. It’s just fun to do things stoned. I also use heavily for religious/spiritual reasons. I’m a Discordian, and keeping a flexible mind full of doubt is important to that. Weed is helpful in resisting the siren call of comforting certainty. As a casual psychedelic, it keeps me thinking in interesting ways.

    11 months ago

    Ive been taking cannabis for about 20 years. Moved to a state with a medical program. “Doctor” gave me a rx for “arthritis”. Finally get health insurance. See real doctor. Diagnosed with arthritis.


    11 months ago

    I have two primary use cases for pot. I use it with my wife to have a great time, enjoy takeout after the kids go to bed, laugh like maniacs, and have a little adult fun. It keeps us connected when life gives us little alone time. That usually happens weekly. We also like to take mini vacations without the kids to cities where it is legal and explore while baked.

    Many other nights of the week, I use cannabis without her to keep my sanity. My family consists of multiple autistic people with competing needs, and my job is to balance those needs so we can operate as a unit. It is exhausting. By night I generally feel a lot of emotional exhaustion, and physical pain also creeps in from multiple chronic health issues from over the years. Pot kills the pain, and it pins my emotions to happy. I can relax and have an hour or two to feel like all is right with the world.

    I constantly monitor myself for addiction. I avoid using some nights just to ensure I can. I do not want to have to stop this thing that brings me joy during hard times. I am getting a little worried about my increasing tolerance, but I am trying to watch that as well.

    11 months ago

    Sometimes, you just want to feel the movie differently. Or combine THC high with a runners high and feel light as a feather. Or to give yourself the courage to mix up lunch and try a fried spam, cheese, Sriracha honey sauce Eggo sandwich.

    Or you’ve been meaning to clean the whole house with that album you’ve been meaning to hear blasting from your pocket.

    Or sometimes, I do nothing at all in a comfy chair outside by the bird feeder. Just watch the clouds spin overhead and dream of where you are in the universe. Or stare at yourself. Or empty your mind entirely and just breathe. Or listen.

    No one knows when weed is getting in the way of life instead of augmenting it better than you. Enjoy responsibly, my friends!

    11 months ago

    I give it to my colleagues so I outperform them at work and then I get all the bonuses and promotions. And sometimes I use to sleep after taking actually good drugs.