“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”

You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.

America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.

  • InsomniacKS@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    Those people are really not paying attention to history at all. There is definitely a reason people want to bomb us. We earned that hate.

    I really wish people could pick a different country…like, nope, I disagree with literally everything here. Next!

    But that only works if you have enough money to completely relocate…and then you’re leaving the country slightly crappier than before. But I don’t blame my friends for leaving. They aren’t safe here anymore…

    • Nangijala@feddit.dk
      16 hours ago

      Honestly, there is no need for any of us to bomb the US when the US government pretty much does that already.

      For what it is worth, I hope your friends find better lives to where ever they have relocated. I also hope that you find a way to live that is happy and peaceful in spite of what is happening in your country.

      I am currently preparing myself for a semi-perminent state of war in Europe where Russia will terrorize in the east and America will terrorize in the west. I hope that it won’t get that far, but I am also preparing myself for my country being possibly invaded by America. Hopefully this won’t happen, but the way things are moving, I’m starting to preparing myself for it.

      I feel sad for the kids who have to grow up in this scenario. I hope my own nieces and nephews will get to experience a peaceful Europe again someday. The only good thing to come out of this is is that we have been forced to stand up for ourselves instead of relying on others. It was weak of us to believe that the rest of the world learned the same lessons during ww2 that we did. Russia obviously didn’t and neither did America. Where our takeaway from ww2 was humility, responsibility and forgiveness, the US spent decades making romantic war movies where they cast themselves as the heroes of ww2. It was always about glory and ego for the US. There was very little in understanding of the cost of that war and that makes sense because it didn’t happen in your backyard. And maybe that is why your country loves war so much. Because war never happens to you. It is something you inflict on others or use to make yourselves richer. (I don’t mean you personally, I’m talking about the institution)