I’m shocked that I haven’t seen one protest yet. Is the media suppressing them? If there aren’t any, why?

    • arotrios@lemmy.world
      5 days ago

      Denver yesterday - 34,000 people:


      March 25th: Tempe, AZ - 11,300 people

      Feb 18th: Nationwide Presidents Day Protest - multiple locations

      Feb 5th: First 50501 Protest - all 50 capitals

      There wasn’t a unified protest movement at the beginning of Trump’s first term. It wasn’t until BLM started gaining traction that we started seeing real action on the streets. This time around, despite the total lack of leadership from the DNC, there were boots on the ground from day one.

      It’s important to note that unlike Trump’s first term, the mass media now has a vested interest in not reporting the scale and size of the unrest, so they’re tamping down coverage wherever they can, and actively manufacturing consent by minimizing the impact of the protests.