Democratic lawmakers have faced eruptions of anger at town hall meetings across the country this week, as constituents have coupled their fury over President Donald Trump’s actions with deep frustration over what they see as a feckless Democratic response.

    4 days ago

    I don’t blame democrats for the Republicans actions, but I do blame democrats for democrats not even trying to slow Republicans down. This has been American Legislation all my life, Republican gains office, immediately lowers taxes on the richest Americans while shifting the tax burden onto the middle class and poor, while cutting service and protection for average Americans, rides out 4-8 years destroying education, veteran services, and regulations stopping full on breakdown of the US as is. A Democrat gets elected, they get nothing at all done due to republican obstruction at every turn, rides out 4 years of the problems Republicans put in place having the bad outcomes everyone knew would come, Republicans presidential nom runs off ‘‘This democrats ruined everything! I’ll clean up the mess! And I hate immigrants!!’’ Republican is elected and immediately gives huge tax cuts to the wealthiest- rinse and repeat.