Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox::Choose the browser that best suits your privacy needs.
Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox::Choose the browser that best suits your privacy needs.
funding, mainly.
Oh yeah, good point. Well at least that’s just a deal to set the default search engine. Is there more?
More, as far as I know. Google has to at least keep it afloat, or else be accused of being a monopoly. It’s a small price to pay for them.
Much like Microsoft bailing out Apple back in the day.
Finance an underdog so when someone complains about anti-competitiveness, you can point your finger at them and claim there’s healthy competition.
That’s right. If chrome didn’t suck that much, no one would be funding firefox. Thanks Google!