Everyone here is talking about how to get the latest and best stuff, but no one is talking about how they actually manage it 😜

So, how do YOU manage your Movies / Shows / Music / eBooks / Games?

I begin:

  • Plex for Movies / Shows / Music
  • Kavita for eBooks and Manga
  • Romm for my Gamecollection and Roms (it supports PC games aswell)
  • TheAmishMan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I download almost everything using Premiumize. It essentially downloads the torrents for you, so you’re only downloading things from them at drastically faster speeds, and never connecting to the actual swarm. You just send them the torrent file.

    For the actual organizing, I use TVRenamer mainly. It’s an extremely underrated tool that not only organizes your shows and movies, but does a great job of helping you identify what you’re missing, like missing episodes or specials.

    I use tdarr to reencode all my stuff to x265

    Plex is mainly how I watch stuff. I like kodi a lot, but most the time Plex is a lot more streamline.

    For comics I use comicrack. Best way to do comic organizing by far