Just started playing around with sunflower leaves, and I’m really liking the flavor they add to stuff, and am looking for other ideas I have not thought of as of yet.

What I have planned to try at some later date.

  • Either boiling noodles with a few leaves, or boiling some leaves and concentrating the mix down to add to the noodles during the making.
  • Making a tea with fresh peppermint and/or hyssop.
    • Update: Just made a peppermint and sunflower leaf tea…Not too bad. I’d give this about a 6:10 in taste (but then , I do have odd tastes, heh. Plus am getting older so senses have dulled a bit, meh, I’d drink it again).

Hmm! Another thought crossed my mind, I wonder about using some tender shoots (stems) in place of asparagus. Don’t have enough growing this year, but the 7 foot tall hybrids I’ve got growing are producing a large number of offshoots. So if I keep the seeds to plant next year, I could easily have an abundance. Meh, just a thought, and I’m definitely curious enough to try it, heh heh heh.

2nd attempt to create a post…O_o.