Finland sacrificing its neutrality to try and join NATO was a phenomenally idiotic move.

        2 years ago

        US officials, unhappy with the scuttled EU deal, saw a similar chance in the Maidan protests.


        It’s an overstatement to say, as some critics have charged, that Washington orchestrated the Maidan uprising. But there’s no doubt US officials backed and exploited it for their own ends.

        Your source states very clearly that the US did not orchestrate the Maidan protests, and that its involvement was due to the aborted EU-deal.

        Nothing in there about the Maidan government wanting to join NATO, aside from one reference to Putin’s paranoia about it :

        After Putin moved to secure the Crimean naval base from NATO control

        Indeed, the article referenced in this sentence says:

        “Our decision on Crimea was partly due to … considerations that if we do nothing, then at some point, guided by the same principles, NATO will drag Ukraine in and they will say: ‘It doesn’t have anything to do with you.’”

        So, according to your source, Crimea was not annexed in reaction to Ukraine giving up its neutrality, but in prevision of it.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
                  2 years ago

                  US orchestrated this coup, and I’ve linked you tons of documents supporting this in our previous discussion. I recall you whining that it was too much reading.

                    2 years ago

                    You did link a ton of documents, and I have not found yet the ones supporting that claim (does not help that you did not single them out). In fact, the article that we are discussing here, who as I highlighted explicitly states the opposite, was part of that ton of documents.

                    It is the second time that you use this document to support what it denies.