I have Mastodon running on a VPS running Debian 11. Now I would like to add a Lemmy instance on the same server. I tried using the from scratch method from Lemmy documentation, but ran into errors that likely stemmed from minor version incompatibilities of the dependencies. I tried using the Lemmy easy deploy script but it wants to bind all traffic on port 443 for Lemmy which would break my Mastodon install. Has anyone managed to get Lemmy and Mastodon running on the same box, and if so, can you share any details of your setup?

  • veroxii@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You need a reverse proxy like nginx or traefik. Your mastodon server is using the web ports. Lemmy also wants to use the same ports. Obviously the can’t both use them.

    The solution is to let neither use the ports and set them up on some other ports.

    The reverse proxy is then set up as your main “web server”. It will then look at every request coming in and based on the domain name or url requested redirect (or rather forward or proxy) the request to the correct service… mastadon or Lemmy.

    I run dozens of services on the same server. And use traefik to sit in front and manage it all.