They keep raising prices, stating that it’s due to inflation, but then they keep having record profits.

Meanwhile, the average American can barely afford rent or food nowadays.

What are we to do? Vote? I have been but that doesn’t seem to do much since I’m just voting for a representative that makes the actual decisions.

  • Dadd
    9 months ago

    Yeah, lots of people in here saying “stop supporting corporations” as if it is not only easy, but simple to do.

    Wanna cook whole foods? You growing your own or buying them from the Amish?

    Wanna fix your own house (something I am currently doing), good luck finding a hardware/lumber supply that isn’t owned by one.

    Want to use the internet?

    It isn’t so simple. I think doing what you can with what you have is all anyone in the working class can really do. For some people it’s more, others less.

    In the end, it seems like human history is a series of people with wealth and resources screwing over others, with brief bursts of progress.


      9 months ago

      The point is, the change needs to be systemic, not just us choosing not to use corpo’s products. It’s impractical and often outright impossible, and personal choice never was the solution (that’s not to say you shouldn’t try if you really are able to).

      Guess why there are all those financial gurus and politicians blaming people for “dumb spending”, “lazy working” or “not supporting the causes with their dollar”? Because they know full well it isn’t really feasible, but know this keeps us in the rat race while taking full blame upon ourselves rather than true villains.

      Corporations (and in my personal opinion, capitalism itself, because it’ll always try to find a loophole) should legally die or face very strong taxation and pushback. Stop supporting corporations on governmental level, and then we’ll have a bet.